admire in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval; to regard with wonder or astonishment; to regard with delight 2) to regard with respect or warm approval; to regard with approval or respect 3) to marvel at; to wonder at; to marvel at or wonder at 4) to praise or commend highly; to praise or commend highly 5) to regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval; to regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval Similar words: adore, applaud, commend, honor, idolize, prize, revere, reverence, value, regard highly,

  • I admire her tenacity in sticking to her principles no matter what.
  • I admire your tenacity in sticking to your exercise routine despite your busy schedule.
  • I admire her strength of character.
  • I admire the strength of will it takes for him to pursue his dreams despite setbacks.
  • I admire his toughness in admitting his mistakes and striving for self-improvement.
  • We admire the robustness of our grandmother's recipes; they've been passed down for generations.
  • I admire his persistence in pursuing his passion.
  • I admire her resilience in overcoming adversity.
  • I admire the tenacity of my grandmother, who continues to learn new things at her age.
  • I admire the toughness of professional athletes.
  • They admire the robustness of nature, especially during harsh winters.
  • I admire his tenacity in pursuing his passion for cooking, despite initial failures.
  • I admire the strength of the oak tree in the storm.
  • We admire the robustness of their homemade bread recipe; it never fails.
  • We admire the robustness of their business model, which has sustained success through economic downturns.
  • I admire your persistence in learning a new language.
  • They admire her endurance in facing life's challenges with grace.
  • She's always had a quiet kind of fortitude that I admire.
  • I admire her adaptability to different work environments.
  • I admire people who have the fortitude to chase their dreams no matter what.
  • I admire his fortitude in pursuing his passion despite facing numerous obstacles along the way.
  • I admire her endurance in overcoming obstacles in her life.
  • I admire her resiliency in facing challenges.
  • I admire his resiliency in difficult situations.
  • I can't believe I used to admire him; now I see he's just another conscienceless opportunist.
  • They admire the fusion of old and new architecture in the city skyline.
  • They admire the fusion of art and technology in this interactive museum exhibit.
  • She couldn't help but admire the trickster's cleverness, even as she fell victim to his schemes.
  • I couldn't help but admire the actor's portrayal of the villain; they brought such complexity to the role.
  • I couldn't help but admire the rapscallion's ability to command attention, effortlessly drawing others into his orbit.
  • The townsfolk couldn't decide whether to admire or despise the rapscallion for his audacious behavior.
  • Honesty is a value I admire.
  • During their vacation, they visited a museum to admire ancient treasures.
  • I admire how she commands respect in the workplace.
  • I admire my grandmother a lot; she's someone I hold in high esteem.
  • We often admire celebrities for their talent and fame, but it's important to also acknowledge the unsung heroes who quietly make a difference in their communities every day.
  • We all admire her courage for speaking up against injustice, even when it's difficult.
  • We admire the dedication of healthcare workers during challenging times.
  • I admire my sister's determination to succeed.
  • She's a single mother juggling multiple responsibilities, yet she still manages to pursue her passions and carve out time for self-care; I truly admire her strength and tenacity.
  • They admire the teamwork of their classmates.
  • They admire the beauty of the natural world, dedicating their lives to protecting endangered species and preserving precious ecosystems for future generations.
  • They admire their neighbor's generosity and willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.
  • They admire each other's unique perspectives on life.
  • We admire our teacher's patience and dedication to helping us succeed in school.
  • They, the visionary entrepreneurs, admire the disruptive innovators who challenge conventional thinking and revolutionize industries with groundbreaking ideas and technologies.
  • Admire the view from the top of the mountain; it's breathtaking.
  • They've built a successful business from the ground up, and I can't help but admire their entrepreneurial spirit and determination to chase their dreams, despite the odds.
  • While visiting a museum, don't rush through the exhibits; instead, take your time to admire each artwork and learn about its significance.
  • I admire my grandmother's wisdom and kindness; she always knows just what to say to make me feel better.
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