arbitrary in a sentence

Meaning: 1) based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system 2) (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority 3) using unlimited personal discretion to make decisions 4) existing or coming about seemingly at random or by chance or as a capricious and unreasonable act of will Similar words: capricious, erratic, haphazard, impulsive, random, subjective, unpredictable, unreasonable, unsystematic, whimsical,

  • I think her decisions are arbitrary and unpredictable.
  • They make arbitrary changes to the school schedule.
  • The city's urban planning initiatives appeared arbitrary, driven more by political agendas than by genuine considerations of community needs.
  • Philosophers debate whether moral values are absolute or arbitrary constructs of society.
  • The prices at the grocery store feel arbitrary, always changing.
  • She tends to make decisions based on arbitrary factors rather than considering the consequences.
  • My mom's cooking measurements always seem arbitrary to me.
  • The architect's design choices for the building seemed arbitrary to some critics, but they reflected a careful balance between functionality and aesthetic innovation.
  • The landlord imposed arbitrary restrictions on pet ownership in the building.
  • The weather can be arbitrary, making it hard to plan outdoor activities.
  • The company's policy seems arbitrary and unfair.
  • The homeowner's association made arbitrary changes to the neighborhood rules without consulting residents.
  • I delved into the intricacies of quantum mechanics, marveling at how the seemingly arbitrary behavior of particles reveals the underlying fabric of reality.
  • They often impose arbitrary deadlines on projects without considering the workload.
  • He struggled to understand the professor's arbitrary grading system, which seemed to lack transparency.
  • I don't like when my boss makes arbitrary decisions.
  • We found ourselves at a crossroads, navigating the arbitrary boundaries of societal norms and personal identity in pursuit of authenticity.
  • The company's restructuring plan seemed arbitrary, leading to confusion among employees.
  • The committee's decision seemed arbitrary, lacking clear reasoning.
  • The wifi connection at my house is arbitrary, it keeps disconnecting.
  • The fashion industry often sets arbitrary standards for beauty, leading to unrealistic expectations.
  • The manager's decision to change our work schedule seemed arbitrary and unexpected.
  • The bus schedule seems to be arbitrary, never on time.
  • We feel like the referee's calls are arbitrary.
  • The website's algorithm for displaying search results seemed arbitrary, showing irrelevant content.
  • Economic policies must be based on empirical data, not arbitrary assumptions.
  • The teacher's grading system appeared arbitrary, leaving students unsure of their progress.
  • The teacher's grading system feels arbitrary and inconsistent.
  • In philosophy, the concept of free will often involves navigating between arbitrary choices and determined outcomes.
  • We were surprised by the arbitrary nature of the school's dress code enforcement.
  • The parole board's decisions sometimes seem arbitrary, leaving inmates unsure of their fate.
  • I don't understand why he made such an arbitrary decision.
  • I believe that her arbitrary decisions undermine the team's morale and productivity.
  • The teacher chose an arbitrary student to answer the question.
  • They were disappointed by the arbitrary allocation of funds in the budget, which seemed unfair.
  • The bank's fees for overdrafts appeared arbitrary and excessive.
  • The traffic light seemed to change at arbitrary times.
  • She grappled with the existential question of whether life's meaning is inherent or merely arbitrary, pondering the philosophical implications late into the night.
  • The principle of justice demands decisions based on evidence, not arbitrary whims.
  • The judge's ruling was perceived as arbitrary, raising concerns about judicial impartiality.
  • The teacher's grading criteria felt arbitrary, leaving students confused about how to improve.
  • In literature, authors often employ arbitrary plot twists to create suspense and surprise.
  • We were frustrated by their arbitrary rules.
  • I made an arbitrary decision about what to wear today.
  • He imposes arbitrary deadlines on our projects.
  • Sometimes my parents impose arbitrary bedtime rules.
  • She always picks an arbitrary movie to watch without asking us.
  • The judge's ruling seemed arbitrary to me.
  • We don't like arbitrary rules in our club.
  • The city council's decision to raise property taxes seemed arbitrary and unjustified.
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