besiege in a sentence

Meaning: 1) surround a place with armed forces to capture it or force its surrender 2) crowd around oppressively; harass 3) overwhelm (someone) with questions or requests 4) cause to feel trapped or isolated

  • I never thought he would besiege the kitchen and try his hand at baking.
  • They engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue, skillfully using rhetoric to besiege each other's arguments without creating animosity.
  • They were excited to besiege the amusement park for a day of thrilling rides.
  • In the face of adversity, the small business owner strategized on how to besiege the challenges and keep the enterprise afloat.
  • The modern philosopher contemplates the existential questions that besiege the human mind, seeking meaning in the complexity of existence.
  • The enemy army will besiege the castle tonight.
  • Faced with a crossroads in her career, she sought advice from mentors to besiege the challenges and make informed decisions.
  • He was determined to besiege the puzzle and solve it by the end of the day.
  • We were determined to besiege the competition by offering superior customer service.
  • He and his teammates strategized to besiege the opponent's team in the upcoming match.
  • The literary critic employs a discerning eye to besiege the subtleties within a text, unraveling layers of meaning and interpretation.
  • He felt confident as he prepared to besiege the soccer field for the championship match.
  • He decided to besiege the opponent's fortress with determination.
  • I and my colleagues decided to besiege the conference with our innovative approach to the topic.
  • It surprised me when I heard that he would besiege the dragon's lair.
  • The general devised a strategic plan to besiege the enemy stronghold without causing unnecessary destruction.
  • They collaborated to besiege the community center for a neighborhood cleanup initiative.
  • The invaders attempted to besiege the capital, but the defenses held strong.
  • The environmental activists planned to besiege the corporation's headquarters to raise awareness.
  • We were eager to besiege the challenges ahead as a united team.
  • The king ordered his army to besiege the rebel stronghold.
  • Negotiating complex business deals involves the skillful use of communication to besiege mutual interests and reach agreements.
  • I and my friends planned to besiege the karaoke bar for a night of singing and laughter.
  • Successfully managing a global supply chain involves strategies to besiege logistical challenges and ensure seamless operations.
  • We gathered our resources to besiege the challenges that lay ahead.
  • Navigating the intricacies of a multicultural workplace requires a nuanced approach to besiege potential misunderstandings and foster collaboration.
  • The environmentalist aimed to besiege the public's consciousness with the urgency of preserving biodiversity.
  • Addressing global health crises requires collaborative efforts to besiege the challenges posed by infectious diseases and pandemics.
  • As the cultural festival approached, the organizers worked tirelessly to besiege the town with a vibrant celebration of diversity.
  • It was a difficult choice for her to besiege her own brother's army.
  • She and her family planned to besiege the beach for a relaxing weekend getaway.
  • He adeptly employs mindfulness practices to besiege the stressors of modern life and cultivate a sense of inner peace.
  • The book club members met regularly to besiege their minds with thought-provoking literature and engaging discussions.
  • We were determined to besiege the garden with colorful flowers and plants.
  • The community rallied together to besiege the local government with petitions for improved infrastructure.
  • As a seasoned traveler, she has honed the ability to besiege unfamiliar cultures with respect and an open-minded perspective.
  • She felt a sense of accomplishment as she prepared to besiege the job interview.
  • Building sustainable cities necessitates urban planning strategies that can besiege environmental concerns while meeting the needs of a growing population.
  • They insisted on forming a strong alliance to jointly besiege the common adversary.
  • He felt compelled to besiege the boardroom with fresh ideas to revitalize the company.
  • He was determined to besiege his fitness goals, incorporating a balanced diet and regular exercise into his routine.
  • In the realm of technology, innovators constantly strive to besiege the limitations of current capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
  • The city's leaders convened to discuss how best to besiege the economic challenges they faced.
  • We gathered our belongings to besiege the camping site for a night under the stars.
  • The medieval army used various tactics to besiege walled cities and castles.
  • She and her friends planned to besiege the park for a fun picnic.
  • During the heated debate, both sides presented compelling arguments, each attempting to besiege the audience with their perspective.
  • In our interconnected world, information overload can besiege us, making it crucial to discern reliable sources from misinformation.
  • I and my classmates decided to besiege the library for a group study session.
  • As an architect, she aimed to besiege the cityscape with innovative and sustainable designs.
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