blend in a sentence

Meaning: 1) combine (various substances) thoroughly so that they become indistinguishable from one another 2) mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together harmoniously 3) create a harmonious effect or result by combining different elements or qualities 4) be harmoniously mixed or combined with another substance or element 5) produce a smooth and balanced flavor or texture by thoroughly mixing different ingredients or components Similar words: combine, commingle, fuse, homogenize, incorporate, interfuse, intermingle, merge, mingle, mix,

  • The orchestra conductor expertly guided the musicians to assemble a harmonious blend of melodies, captivating the audience with their performance.
  • The architect meticulously chose materials to designate the building's aesthetic, creating a harmonious blend of modern and traditional elements.
  • The new bicycle frame is constructed from a composite blend of carbon fiber and aluminum.
  • I offered her a taste of my homemade concoction, hoping she would enjoy its unique blend of flavors.
  • We can blend different shades of paint to achieve the exact color we desire for the room.
  • We should blend various teaching methods to accommodate different learning styles in the classroom.
  • They blend frozen berries, Greek yogurt, and honey for a refreshing summer dessert.
  • The fusion of flavors in this dish is incredible – you can taste the blend of herbs and spices.
  • It's important to blend the colors properly when painting a picture.
  • I like to blend different types of tea leaves to craft my own custom tea blends.
  • The new sofa's color doesn't blend well with the rest of the room.
  • He likes to blend different fruits in his morning juice.
  • They blend in with the environment to avoid being seen by predators.
  • We should blend ice, coffee, milk, and sugar to make a creamy iced coffee.
  • I need to blend these different flavors of tea to create my own blend.
  • I like to blend bananas, spinach, and almond milk for a nutritious green smoothie.
  • I blend fruits and vegetables to make a healthy smoothie every morning.
  • She likes to blend various herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of her dishes.
  • They blend storytelling with interactive elements to engage their audience during presentations.
  • To achieve a smooth texture, blend the ingredients on high speed for at least two minutes.
  • They employ cutting-edge technology to blend organic materials into sustainable fabrics, revolutionizing the fashion industry.
  • The aromas of the spices blend together in the kitchen.
  • The sunset colors blend beautifully in the sky.
  • He tried to blend in with the crowd at the concert.
  • We can observe how various cultural influences blend harmoniously in the vibrant street markets of cosmopolitan cities like London or New York.
  • He doesn't blend well with the rest of the team because of his attitude.
  • We can blend different types of cheese to create a tasty cheese sauce for our nachos.
  • The colors of the painting blend nicely together.
  • We should blend the ingredients carefully to make the sauce smooth.
  • I like to blend fruits and yogurt for my breakfast smoothie.
  • She used a blender to blend the soup until it was smooth.
  • For a creamy soup, blend the ingredients until completely smooth, then simmer on low heat to meld the flavors.
  • They blend various herbs and spices to season their homemade pasta sauce.
  • The coffee shop offers a special blend of beans for their espresso.
  • It's important to blend empathy with professionalism when dealing with difficult situations in the workplace.
  • I blend milk and bananas for my smoothie.
  • An amalgamation is when things blend together.
  • They blend the different types of cheese to make a tasty fondue.
  • Can you blend the paint colors to get the shade I want?
  • The colors of her outfit don't blend well together.
  • She wants to blend in with the crowd so she doesn't stand out.
  • To create a vibrant green smoothie, blend leafy greens like spinach or kale with fruits rich in Vitamin C, such as oranges or pineapple.
  • They often blend different musical genres to produce unique and captivating compositions.
  • The artist used different colors to blend the sky and the sea.
  • We can blend these two songs together for a seamless transition.
  • Can you blend the ingredients for the salad, please?
  • The architect aims to develop innovative designs that blend functionality with aesthetic appeal.
  • The artist's masterpiece showcased an integrated blend of classical and contemporary styles.
  • As the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, the small village erupted in a harmonious blend of fireworks and traditionalist songs.
  • A conformist person tends to avoid standing out and prefers to blend in with the group.
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