card in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a flat, typically rectangular piece of stiff paper or thin pasteboard used for various purposes 2) a playing card used in games 3) a program, ticket, or pass entitling the holder to certain privileges or benefits 4) a business card with information about a person or company 5) a piece of thick paper bearing a person's name and other details, used as identification or for a specific purpose 6) a small, flat, typically rectangular piece of plastic with encoded data, used for various purposes, such as credit or ID cards 7) a device used for storing and processing data in electronic form, such as a memory card 8) a greeting card with a message, often sent on a special occasion 9) a particular compass direction 10) a piece of cardboard or similar material used for stiffening, supporting, or playing games

  • Use your ID card to identify yourself at the entrance.
  • Can you summarize the instructions on the recipe card for me?
  • The knave cheated his way to victory in the card game.
  • She gave him a heart-shaped card.
  • The grocery store offers a cumulative discount if you use their loyalty card.
  • You need a licensing card to buy alcohol at the store.
  • Entitling the recipe card with cooking time ensures efficiency in the kitchen.
  • Swipe the card, allowing access to the building.
  • Jane attempted to follow the recipe, but the faded instructions on the old card were somewhat unreadable.
  • To show appreciation, write a thank-you note or card to someone who has done something thoughtful for you.
  • The prize for the talent show was a gift card to the mall.
  • Make sure to bring your ID card in case they ask for it.
  • Keep some cash in your wallet in case you encounter places that don't accept card payments.
  • The librarian validated my library card so I could borrow books.
  • She validated her ID card to enter the restricted area.
  • The hotel validated my credit card and confirmed my reservation.
  • She quickly validated her membership card and entered the gym.
  • She happily validated her library card and borrowed her first book.
  • The doctor's office validated my insurance card before the appointment.
  • She validated her membership card to access the premium facilities at the gym.
  • I hope the bank approves my credit card application soon.
  • I got approved for a higher credit limit on my card.
  • They accepted my credit card for payment.
  • They accepted my application for a library card.
  • I received a card, but some parts of the message are illegible.
  • Mike's wink was a playful hint during the friendly card game.
  • The linguistic anthropologist analyzed linguistic artifacts, treating each phoneme and morpheme as a linguistic card in deciphering the evolution of language.
  • The geneticist employed CRISPR technology as a transformative genetic editing card, allowing for precise modification of the DNA sequence in experimental organisms.
  • The baseball coach handed out a lineup card.
  • The politician strategically revealed his economic plan as a trump card in the election.
  • The computer program prompted her to enter a security card.
  • The astrophysicist utilized a spectroscopic analysis card to scrutinize the cosmic spectra, unveiling subtle nuances in the distant galaxies' elemental compositions.
  • The library has a card catalog for finding books.
  • The spy infiltrated the enemy base using a forged identification card.
  • The detective found a clue on a small index card.
  • The architectural historian analyzed structural blueprints, recognizing each design element as an architectural card in the historical development of buildings.
  • The greeting card had a cute puppy on the front.
  • The computational biologist utilized advanced bioinformatics tools, considering each nucleotide sequence as an informational card in unraveling the intricacies of the genome.
  • The cybersecurity expert employed an advanced threat intelligence card to identify and neutralize sophisticated cyber threats targeting the intricate network infrastructure.
  • The software engineer troubleshooted the issue with the graphics card in the computer.
  • The behavioral economist studied decision-making processes, treating each cognitive bias as a psychological card influencing individual choices in economic scenarios.
  • The quantum cosmologist explored the fabric of spacetime, treating each gravitational wave observation as a cosmic card in the study of the universe's fundamental properties.
  • The hotel room had a "Do Not Disturb" card hanging on the doorknob.
  • We played a card game called Poker last night.
  • She handed me a birthday card.
  • The neuroscientist meticulously examined the synaptic connectivity, treating each synapse as a critical informational card in understanding complex brain circuitry.
  • The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat and a card from his sleeve.
  • The journalist obtained an exclusive interview through a press pass card.
  • The trading card had the picture of a famous baseball player.
  • I have a library card.
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