chauvinism in a sentence

Meaning: 1) excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own group, cause, or gender, often accompanied by a disdain for other groups 2) an exaggerated belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or nation 3) militant and aggressive patriotism or nationalism, often accompanied by a belief in the inherent superiority of one's own country 4) an attitude or mindset that promotes the idea of one's own group as superior and deserving of special privileges Similar words: bigotry, jingoism, nationalism, partisanship, prejudice, xenophobia,

  • Through art and storytelling, a local group highlighted the impact of chauvinism, sparking community dialogue.
  • Chauvinism can affect relationships; it's important to communicate and address it.
  • Institutions must adopt proactive measures to root out systemic chauvinism within their frameworks.
  • The intersectionality of chauvinism underscores the need for comprehensive solutions.
  • He realized the impact of chauvinism and vowed to be more inclusive.
  • She navigated the labyrinth of post-colonial discourse, examining how chauvinism intersects with cultural hegemony.
  • Empowering women in leadership positions is a tangible way to combat workplace chauvinism.
  • I think she deserves equal opportunities, and chauvinism shouldn't hold her back.
  • In a small town, she challenged chauvinism by starting a club for equality.
  • Chauvinism is the belief in the superiority of one gender over the other.
  • Recognizing and unlearning our own biases is an ongoing process in the fight against chauvinism.
  • He realized the need to confront his own biases to contribute to the fight against chauvinism.
  • We collectively engaged in a rigorous examination of how institutional frameworks perpetuate chauvinism.
  • Empowering marginalized voices is instrumental in the collective fight against chauvinism.
  • Conversations about chauvinism might be uncomfortable but are necessary for progress.
  • They met regularly to discuss how to combat chauvinism in their neighborhood.
  • Being an ally means actively working against chauvinism, even if it doesn't directly affect you.
  • Chauvinism can manifest in subtle ways; being aware is the first step to change.
  • Understanding the harmful effects of chauvinism helps us create positive change.
  • Understanding the history of chauvinism helps us address its present-day manifestations.
  • I believe chauvinism has no place in our modern society.
  • It's important for us to educate ourselves about the harm caused by chauvinism.
  • She faced challenges at work due to chauvinism but remained resilient.
  • As friendships grew, they shared personal stories, breaking down walls of chauvinism.
  • I had a conversation with my friend about how to combat chauvinism in our community.
  • Treating someone differently because of their gender is a form of chauvinism.
  • Chauvinism not only affects individuals but also has broader implications for societal structures.
  • They united against workplace chauvinism, creating a supportive environment.
  • I don't like chauvinism; everyone should be treated equally.
  • Chauvinism often intersects with other forms of discrimination, exacerbating its impact.
  • They convened a colloquium, inviting experts to elucidate the entwined nature of chauvinism and systemic oppression.
  • Chauvinism makes it hard for some people to get the same chances in life.
  • In the realm of gender equality, combating chauvinism necessitates a multifaceted approach.
  • She conducted ethnographic research, unraveling the lived experiences of individuals impacted by chauvinism.
  • I witnessed a moment of chauvinism and spoke up, making a difference.
  • Engaging in thoughtful discourse on chauvinism fosters a more nuanced understanding.
  • Recognizing signs of chauvinism empowers individuals to stand against it.
  • Participating in awareness campaigns and workshops can deepen your understanding of chauvinism.
  • Overcoming chauvinism became a community project, with neighbors supporting each other.
  • He learned that true strength is treating everyone with respect, not chauvinism.
  • At work, we should be aware of any signs of chauvinism and speak up against it.
  • We should create a workplace free from chauvinism where everyone feels valued.
  • Supporting organizations that fight against chauvinism contributes to societal progress.
  • To combat chauvinism, it's crucial to promote equality and respect for all.
  • We critically analyzed the intersectional dimensions of chauvinism in contemporary literature.
  • We can create a world free from chauvinism if we work together.
  • Engaging in discourse that transcends binary thinking is essential for unraveling systemic chauvinism.
  • We decided to organize an awareness campaign, aiming to educate our community about chauvinism.
  • A diverse and inclusive workplace fosters an environment free from chauvinism.
  • A mentor guided them through workplace challenges, emphasizing the importance of confronting chauvinism.
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