consenting in a sentence

Meaning: 1) willing to agree or approve of something 2) giving permission for something to happen 3) expressing voluntary and mutual agreement, typically in the context of a legal or formal agreement 4) indicating the presence of consent, especially in the context of interpersonal relationships Similar words: accordant, acquiescent, agreeing, approving, assenting, compliant, concurring, permission,

  • In the quiet library, patrons were busy reading, each one silently consenting to the realm of books.
  • The seasoned chef, after presenting the experimental dish, awaited the feedback of the discerning diners, hoping for their consenting approval of the culinary innovation.
  • Imbued with a sense of responsibility, we, as a society, must ensure that our actions are consenting with the principles of environmental sustainability.
  • The political leaders spent hours deliberating before consenting to the terms of the peace treaty.
  • In legal terms, consenting parties are those who agree to the terms and conditions of a contract or agreement.
  • Jenny hesitated before consenting to share her personal story, but she found strength in the supportive atmosphere.
  • The sophisticated art auction thrived on the bidders' silent gestures, a subtle dance of paddles and nods, each one a consenting agreement to invest in artistic brilliance.
  • In the diplomatic negotiation, both parties meticulously reviewed the treaty, ensuring every clause was consenting to the interests of their nations.
  • Consenting to receive email updates is a common practice when subscribing to newsletters.
  • In relationships, both partners should be freely consenting to engage in any activities together.
  • As the music started, everyone in the room began consenting to dance together.
  • John hesitated for a moment before consenting to try the new food.
  • The children are playfully consenting to take turns on the playground slide.
  • The participants are consenting to take part in the research study.
  • The toddler giggled, eagerly consenting to wear the colorful hat.
  • With a nod, Emily signaled that she was consenting to join the adventure.
  • The group of friends were laughing and consenting to take a group photo at the party.
  • Let's ensure all members of the committee are consenting to the suggested amendments.
  • As the debate unfolded, the seasoned politician skillfully gauged the room, waiting for the consenting murmurs that would signal support for the proposed policy.
  • The child is consenting to share the toys with others.
  • In the meeting, everyone is silently consenting to the new project proposal.
  • We can move forward with the renovation plans; the homeowners are consenting.
  • Julia carefully considered the job offer before consenting to take on the new responsibilities.
  • She is consenting to the terms of the agreement.
  • We're waiting for everyone to be on board and consenting before starting the meeting.
  • The committee members exchanged glances, all silently consenting to endorse the new initiative.
  • Jane held up the menu, and her friends nodded, consenting to try the chef's special.
  • In the corporate boardroom, she led the discussion, skillfully navigating through dissenting opinions and steering towards a consenting consensus.
  • We are eagerly consenting to explore the mysterious cave as a group.
  • The detective raised an eyebrow, silently asking if the suspect was consenting to cooperate.
  • The team is collaboratively consenting to work extra hours to meet the project deadline.
  • The neighbors are okay with the party; they're consenting to the noise.
  • Individually, they weighed the ethical implications, ultimately consenting to participate in the groundbreaking medical trial.
  • Before participating in a research study, individuals must provide their consenting approval.
  • They're cool with it; they're all consenting to the plan.
  • He checked with the group, and they are all consenting to the movie choice.
  • The city council debated for hours before consenting to the construction of the controversial building.
  • The employee is consenting to the company's policies.
  • Before we start, let's make sure everyone's on the same page and consenting.
  • The sun was shining, and the friends were enthusiastically consenting to have a picnic.
  • They are excitedly consenting to attend the upcoming concert together.
  • The community members actively participated in the decision-making process, all consenting to the proposed changes.
  • We are all consenting to meet at the park for a friendly gathering.
  • Make sure your friends are consenting to the weekend getaway before booking.
  • The baby eagerly reached out, consenting to hold onto the parent's finger.
  • The team members are all consenting to the proposed schedule changes.
  • The couple is happily consenting to the marriage.
  • We can go ahead; everyone's consenting to the decision.
  • We need everyone consenting before we finalize the details.
  • They're enthusiastically consenting to join the volunteer project.
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