constitute in a sentence

Meaning: 1) form or compose (something), typically a whole 2) be (a part) of a whole 3) appoint or set up (someone) in a position 4) give legal or constitutional form to (an institution) Similar words: compose, comprise, construct, create, establish, form, represent, shape,

  • Ethical principles and moral values constitute the foundation of a just society.
  • In a forest, trees and animals constitute the whole ecosystem.
  • Bread and cheese constitute a simple lunch.
  • She advocates that diversity and inclusion constitute the catalysts for societal progress.
  • Historical events and cultural movements constitute the rich tapestry of human history.
  • We constitute the passengers on this train.
  • He believes that honesty and integrity constitute the cornerstone of a strong character.
  • Cultural traditions and societal norms constitute the fabric of a community.
  • Practice and repetition constitute the path to mastering a skill.
  • We must recognize that diversity and inclusion constitute the strength of our community.
  • Friends and family constitute my support system during tough times.
  • Different viewpoints and perspectives constitute the diversity of opinions in a debate.
  • Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats constitute the three main macronutrients in food.
  • He realizes that empathy and compassion constitute the essence of human connection.
  • She understands that resilience and determination constitute the armor against life's challenges.
  • She suggests that compassion and empathy constitute the antidote to societal divisions.
  • Honesty and integrity constitute important values in both personal and professional life.
  • Hard work and dedication constitute the keys to success in any endeavor.
  • Economic policies and market forces constitute the dynamics of a nation's economy.
  • He contends that authenticity and vulnerability constitute the bedrock of genuine human connection.
  • I constitute a part of the workforce at the factory.
  • Time and effort constitute the investment needed to achieve your goals.
  • On a farm, animals like cows and chickens constitute the livelihood of the farmer.
  • He and she constitute a happy couple.
  • Regular exercise and a balanced diet constitute a healthy lifestyle.
  • In a family, parents and children constitute the household.
  • In a book, words and sentences constitute the story.
  • In a game, players and rules constitute the competition.
  • Milk and cereal constitute a typical breakfast.
  • Different components, such as hardware and software, constitute a computer system.
  • Red, blue, and yellow constitute the primary colors.
  • Different branches of government, such as the executive and legislative, constitute the political system.
  • We discern that empathy and understanding constitute the cornerstone of effective leadership.
  • I propose that mindfulness and presence constitute the keys to living a fulfilling life.
  • We acknowledge that innovation and adaptation constitute the driving forces behind progress.
  • Apples and oranges constitute fruits.
  • Cars and buses constitute common modes of transportation.
  • They assert that perseverance and resilience constitute the catalysts for personal growth.
  • In a recipe, flour and eggs constitute the ingredients for making pancakes.
  • Various ingredients, such as spices and herbs, constitute the flavor profile of a dish.
  • Plants and animals constitute the biodiversity of an ecosystem.
  • We maintain that collaboration and innovation constitute the driving forces behind transformative change.
  • He surmises that adaptability and agility constitute the competitive advantage in today's fast-paced world.
  • In a puzzle, pieces of different shapes and colors constitute the challenge.
  • They recognize that respect and kindness constitute the pillars of a harmonious society.
  • We constitute the audience at the concert.
  • In a classroom, students and teachers constitute the learning environment.
  • Shoes and socks constitute footwear.
  • I believe that education and continuous learning constitute the foundation of personal growth.
  • Different elements, like characters and plot, constitute the structure of a novel.
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