define in a sentence

Meaning: 1) state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of 2) mark out the boundary or limits of 3) give the meaning of (a word or expression) 4) fix or mark the limits of 5) bring to a definite and clear end 6) decide the nature or scope of 7) determine the essential quality of 8) explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions) 9) specify or decide on (a timetable or particular course of action) 10) provide a definition, explanation, or interpretation for Similar words: characterize, clarify, construe, decipher, delineate, demarcate, describe, detail, elucidate, explain, explicate, illustrate, interpret, outline, specify,

  • It's important to define the scope of your project before beginning any work.
  • It's essential to define the scope of the problem before seeking solutions.
  • We need to define the scope of the project before we start.
  • It's fascinating to observe how individuals hoard memories, clinging onto moments that define their lives.
  • The intricacies of the economic policy are challenging to define in a single statement.
  • Let's define the time for our meeting tomorrow.
  • She wants to define her personal style in clothing.
  • It's important for us to define our expectations before starting the project.
  • She is working to define her artistic style in this series of paintings.
  • The economist sought to define the factors influencing the market fluctuations.
  • The artist's work transcends traditional genres, making it difficult to define within a specific category.
  • As a manager, it's crucial to define expectations for your team members.
  • We collectively decided to define the parameters of the collaborative project.
  • They want to define the purpose of their community service.
  • In science class, we often have to define various scientific terms.
  • My teacher asked me to define the key concepts in the lesson.
  • When planning a trip, it's essential to define the budget and itinerary.
  • In a relationship, it's necessary to define boundaries and communicate openly.
  • I think he should define his career path before graduating.
  • Let's define the plan for the weekend trip.
  • It's essential to define your budget before going shopping.
  • We should clearly define the roles within our family to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Could you define the way to the nearest grocery store?
  • I want to define my daily routine to be more productive.
  • Please define the word "cat''.
  • As a student, you must define your study habits to achieve academic success.
  • I encouraged him to define his personal values to guide decision-making.
  • In order to progress, I must define my strengths and weaknesses.
  • Can you define how to use this new app on my phone?
  • He needs to define his career goals to pursue professional development.
  • The historian worked to define the historical context of the ancient civilization.
  • She could define her favorite type of music.
  • The chef tried to define the unique flavors in the complex dish.
  • I need you to define the steps to assemble this furniture.
  • She believes it's crucial to define one's identity in a rapidly changing world.
  • The lawyer needed to define the legal implications of the contract.
  • In philosophical discourse, scholars often debate how to precisely define consciousness.
  • The philosopher attempted to define the concept of existentialism in his latest book.
  • I need to define my goals for the upcoming year.
  • It's challenging to define the right balance between work and leisure.
  • They strive to define innovative solutions for complex global challenges.
  • During the meeting, we need to define the agenda and set priorities.
  • Could you help me define the best route to the airport?
  • He should define his priorities to manage his time better.
  • He endeavors to define the elusive parameters of dark matter in the universe.
  • The project manager had to define the scope and objectives of the new initiative.
  • We are aiming to define a new strategy to adapt to market changes.
  • I'm not sure how to define success for myself.
  • They should define their relationship status to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Can you quickly define the taste of this dish for me?
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