delegate in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a person designated to represent or act on behalf of others, typically at a conference or meeting 2) to entrust a task or responsibility to another person or group 3) to authorize or appoint someone as a representative or agent 4) a representative or ambassador with a specific role or function 5) to commit or transfer power or authority to another person or entity 6) a specific task or responsibility assigned to someone by a higher authority 7) to allocate or assign a specific duty or function to someone else 8) a person chosen or elected to attend and vote on behalf of a group or organization Similar words: agent, ambassador, assignee, commissioner, deputy, emissary, envoy, mandatary, proxy, representative, spokesperson, substitute, surrogate,

  • They were able to achieve their goals by learning how to delegate effectively within the group.
  • To maintain work-life balance, he decided to delegate some of his responsibilities to his supportive colleagues.
  • The manager will delegate the responsibility of answering phones to the receptionist.
  • During the busy season, the restaurant manager had to delegate shifts among the staff.
  • We intricately delegate research tasks to dissect complex sociopolitical phenomena.
  • Can you delegate someone to take care of the reservation for the team outing?
  • The executive chose to delegate the intricate aspects of the project to the experienced team members.
  • She will delegate tasks to different team members.
  • I saw how efficiently she could delegate during the team project.
  • I can't attend the meeting, so I'll delegate my colleague to represent our department.
  • The manager chose John to be the delegate for the conference.
  • He knows when to delegate and when to take charge, making him an effective leader.
  • She realized that to achieve work-life balance, she must delegate some duties at the office.
  • The coach emphasized the need for players to delegate responsibilities on the field for a coordinated effort.
  • We need to delegate tasks effectively to ensure the project's success.
  • We should delegate the responsibility of coordinating the event to someone with experience.
  • As the project manager, she learned to effectively delegate tasks to maximize efficiency.
  • In scientific research, principal investigators often delegate specific aspects of experiments to expert colleagues, optimizing the utilization of diverse skill sets.
  • As the conference unfolded, the chairman had to delegate the management of concurrent sessions to different teams, each handling specialized topics.
  • In parliamentary systems, legislators frequently delegate authority to committees to thoroughly scrutinize and refine proposed legislation.
  • Recognizing the need for specialization, they implemented a decentralized organizational structure, allowing teams to autonomously delegate tasks.
  • She had to delegate the organization of the charity event to a dedicated team of volunteers.
  • She plans to delegate the household chores to her family members.
  • In business, managers often delegate decision-making to empower their subordinates.
  • In international diplomacy, leaders often delegate authority to ambassadors for negotiations.
  • I will delegate the task of setting up the meeting room to the new intern.
  • In the corporate realm, it is crucial for leaders to delegate tasks judiciously, fostering a culture of collaboration and efficiency.
  • They decided to delegate the decision-making process to a cross-functional team.
  • As a delegate, he shared the concerns of his community.
  • We should delegate responsibilities evenly among the team members.
  • Teams that effectively delegate can achieve higher levels of productivity and innovation.
  • The delegate listened carefully during the discussion.
  • The CEO's ability to delegate tasks contributed to the company's success.
  • The president, burdened with a myriad of responsibilities, had to delegate the oversight of certain policy initiatives to trusted cabinet members.
  • She didn't want to delegate the project, but she had no other choice.
  • I judiciously delegate data analysis tasks to the research team for comprehensive insights.
  • I often delegate responsibilities to my team members to foster collaboration.
  • Realizing the workload was overwhelming, they chose to delegate specific duties among the project team.
  • The delegate presented the group's ideas to the committee.
  • During the international summit, heads of state must delegate representatives to engage in nuanced discussions on economic policies and global cooperation.
  • She acknowledged her limitations and chose to delegate certain aspects of the project.
  • As a project lead, he discovered that the key to success was learning how to delegate tasks efficiently.
  • The military commander's ability to delegate operational commands strategically was instrumental in the success of the intricate military campaign.
  • The delegate spoke about the importance of teamwork.
  • As a delegate, he'll speak on behalf of our group at the community meeting.
  • Can you delegate someone to handle the registration desk?
  • In group assignments, students often struggle to delegate tasks based on individual strengths.
  • In diplomatic circles, ambassadors adeptly delegate nuanced negotiations to skilled diplomats to navigate complex international relations.
  • I'll delegate the task of picking up the groceries to my sister today.
  • We can't handle everything ourselves; let's delegate some duties.
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