distinction in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a difference or contrast between similar things 2) excellence that sets someone or something apart from others 3) a recognition of honor or achievement 4) a mark or emblem of honor, such as a badge or decoration 5) the act of distinguishing or recognizing differences 6) social or class difference or separation 7) a high level of skill or ability in a particular field 8) a specific feature or characteristic that makes someone or something unique 9) clarity and precision in perception or expression 10) a special honor or privilege granted to someone

  • The art critic's analysis, while insightful, had a tendency to muddle the distinction between form and content.
  • The playground has clear signs, making the distinction between slides and swings easy for kids.
  • Learning the distinction between big and small is an important concept for toddlers.
  • The technology store offers a clear distinction between laptops and tablets based on functionality.
  • The therapist helps clients recognize the distinction between assertiveness and aggression in communication.
  • The artist's use of color creates a visual distinction between the foreground and background in the painting.
  • In urban planning, the distinction between sustainable development and unchecked growth shapes the future livability of cities.
  • The distinction in writing styles among various authors adds richness to the literary world.
  • Let me make a clear distinction between right and wrong for you.
  • The insurance agent explained the distinction between comprehensive and liability coverage for my car.
  • We can make a fun game of teaching colors by highlighting the distinction between red and blue.
  • Quantum physics introduces a level of complexity where the distinction between particle and wave blurs.
  • Understanding the distinction between introversion and shyness is important for effective interpersonal communication.
  • The distinction between the two teams was evident in their skill levels.
  • The company's commitment to quality is what sets it apart – a clear distinction in the market.
  • The teacher explained the distinction between "its" and "it's" in grammar class.
  • The weather forecast on TV makes it easy for children to understand the distinction between sunny and rainy days.
  • The nutritionist explained the distinction between saturated and unsaturated fats for a healthier diet.
  • Let's establish a clear distinction between constructive feedback and criticism in our team discussions.
  • The traffic lights help drivers make a quick distinction between stop and go.
  • Let's make a clear distinction between personal and professional matters.
  • Learning the distinction between wants and needs is crucial for effective budgeting.
  • There's a clear distinction between cats and dogs as pets.
  • Philosophers have long debated the ontological distinction between reality and perception.
  • The TV remote has clear buttons for easy distinction between volume and channels.
  • There's a noticeable distinction in the architecture of buildings from different historical periods.
  • My cat quickly learned the distinction between playtime and nap time.
  • Knowing the distinction between morning and night is important for setting alarms.
  • When camping, the distinction between a tent and a sleeping bag is crucial.
  • Recognizing the distinction between sympathy and empathy is vital in supporting others.
  • The art exhibit showcased the artist's ability to draw a distinction between abstraction and realism.
  • When choosing a pet, it's important to understand the distinction between breeds in terms of temperament and care needs.
  • The distinction between salt and sugar is essential in the kitchen.
  • The discerning art critic appreciated the artist's ability to evoke emotion through the careful distinction of brushstrokes.
  • There's a clear distinction between fiction and non-fiction books.
  • Knowing the distinction between a right turn and a left turn is crucial when driving.
  • Understanding the distinction between short-term goals and long-term aspirations is crucial for personal growth.
  • As we navigate the digital landscape, the line between privacy and data sharing becomes a complex and ever-evolving distinction.
  • We need to draw a distinction between constructive criticism and negative feedback.
  • The therapist emphasized the importance of understanding the distinction between stress and anxiety.
  • My mom taught me the distinction between hot and cold water for washing hands.
  • A simple distinction between weekdays and weekends guides my daily routine.
  • Colors make a shelf distinction.
  • In fashion design, the choice of fabric often creates a noticeable distinction in the final garment.
  • The distinction in educational backgrounds among the team members brings a diverse range of perspectives.
  • In fashion, there's a notable distinction between casual and formal dress codes for different occasions.
  • It's important to understand the distinction between sympathy and empathy.
  • We need to recognize the distinction between facts and opinions.
  • The professor emphasized the subtle distinction between two similar scientific concepts.
  • The distinction between a hobby and a passion lies in the level of commitment and enthusiasm.
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