educated in a sentence

Meaning: 1) having received systematic instruction, especially at a school or university, leading to the acquisition of knowledge or skills 2) possessing knowledge, information, or awareness resulting from experience, training, or study 3) characterized by refinement, sophistication, or cultural awareness, often indicative of a high level of formal education 4) displaying manners, conduct, or behavior consistent with cultural or intellectual development

  • The study underscored the correlation between an educated workforce and economic growth.
  • The educated guess turned out to be accurate, solving the complex problem at hand.
  • A connoisseur of literature, his library reflected the eclectic tastes of an educated mind with volumes spanning centuries and genres.
  • Educated individuals are more likely to make informed decisions.
  • An educated populace is essential for the progress and development of any nation.
  • In my opinion, an educated populace is crucial for the overall progress of a nation.
  • My friend is very educated; she speaks multiple languages fluently.
  • The educated workforce contributed significantly to the success of the innovative company.
  • The conference brought together a diverse group of educated professionals from various fields.
  • An educated voter at an intermediate level is better equipped to evaluate political candidates based on their policies and track records.
  • The educated discussion at the seminar highlighted the importance of critical thinking.
  • He became educated by attending evening classes after work.
  • I want to be educated and knowledgeable about different cultures.
  • It's never too late to become educated and pursue your passions.
  • In today's rapidly changing world, staying educated is key to adapting to new challenges.
  • The polymath, well-versed in multiple disciplines, exemplified the epitome of an educated mind.
  • The educated workforce of the future will require a diverse set of skills to thrive.
  • During the job interview, her educated responses demonstrated a depth of understanding in her field.
  • In academia, the pursuit of an educated synthesis of interdisciplinary theories is often the hallmark of groundbreaking research.
  • The panel discussion featured educated insights from experts in the field.
  • In my opinion, an educated person values both knowledge and practical experience.
  • It's important to have educated discussions on important issues.
  • As an educated person, she was well-aware of the responsibilities that came with her knowledge.
  • The symposium brought together a cadre of highly educated researchers, each contributing to the frontier of scientific knowledge.
  • She is an educated person with a degree in literature.
  • The nuanced debate among the panel of educated experts underscored the complexity of the geopolitical landscape.
  • The documentary provided an insightful look into the lives of educated individuals in different societies.
  • The debate panel comprised educated individuals who could articulate their viewpoints with depth and nuance.
  • The educated response to the crisis demonstrated a collective understanding of the situation.
  • Educated people often have a broader perspective on global issues.
  • An educated decision requires a thoughtful analysis of both the advantages and disadvantages.
  • The program aims to provide basic education to less educated communities.
  • The article presented a well-researched and educated perspective on the current economic challenges.
  • Being educated doesn't just mean having a formal degree; it's a lifelong process.
  • The conference aimed to promote dialogue among educated professionals in the field of sustainability.
  • He struggled to find a job because he was not formally educated.
  • An educated society is more likely to thrive and progress.
  • The seminar delved into the nuanced perspectives of educated philosophers, challenging traditional paradigms.
  • Educated individuals tend to have better opportunities in the job market.
  • She believes that everyone should have access to quality education, regardless of how educated they are.
  • An educated mind is open to new ideas and perspectives.
  • She dedicated herself to lifelong learning, always seeking to become more educated.
  • An educated electorate is paramount for a functioning democracy, fostering informed civic participation.
  • Educated individuals at an intermediate level often serve as mentors for those seeking to improve their skills.
  • The treatise, written for a discerning audience, probed into esoteric concepts that challenged even the most educated readers.
  • Educated parents play a crucial role in their children's academic success.
  • The documentary showcased the challenges faced by educated women in pursuing leadership roles.
  • In today's world, being educated is a fundamental requirement for many jobs.
  • The professor delivered a lecture that catered to both educated professionals and students alike.
  • Educated women often contribute significantly to the well-being of their families.
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