enjoy in a sentence

Meaning: 1) appreciate with pleasure; find pleasure or satisfaction in; relish: derive or receive pleasure from; take joy in or pleasure from: revel in 2) have the use or benefit of: have as a condition of being in a certain situation 3) to have the benefit of something, or to get pleasure from something 4) to have a pleasant time, or to have something good happen to you 5) to feel happy or satisfied about something Similar words: appreciate, bask, delight, luxuriate, rejoice, relish, revel, savor,

  • I enjoy shopping in the retail sector.
  • They spread the picnic food out on the grass for everyone to enjoy.
  • They spread out the picnic food on the table for everyone to enjoy.
  • I enjoy hiking in the mountains because there's a wide range of trails to explore.
  • I enjoy the breadth of knowledge I gain from reading different genres of books.
  • I enjoy the breadth of flavors in this dish.
  • Endurance activities like hiking are a great way to enjoy nature while staying fit.
  • We navigate through the city, deliberately selecting a scenic route to enjoy the view.
  • They're working on a plan to desegregate the public parks for all residents to enjoy.
  • I enjoy experimenting with different mixture recipes in the kitchen.
  • I offered her a taste of my homemade concoction, hoping she would enjoy its unique blend of flavors.
  • I enjoy the fusion of sweet and spicy flavors in this sauce.
  • We enjoy the fusion of cultures during multicultural festivals.
  • The compound has a swimming pool for everyone to enjoy.
  • I enjoy exploring the compound's walking trails in the evenings.
  • Statistics show that many people enjoy spending time outdoors.
  • To start a flower bed, sow seeds, water regularly, and enjoy the colorful sprouts.
  • The community is working together to develop a park for families to enjoy.
  • I enjoy watching lighthearted sitcoms to unwind after work.
  • I enjoy being playful with my younger siblings.
  • Grandma baked some merry cookies for us to enjoy.
  • To enhance your overall happiness, prioritize self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and spending time doing things you enjoy.
  • I enjoy reading lighthearted novels to relax after a long day.
  • Basic illiterateness affects the ability to enjoy books and stories.
  • The bread's crust has a chewy nub that I always enjoy.
  • They enjoy spending weekends at the recreation center.
  • I enjoy synthesizing different genres when creating my own music playlist.
  • Alex's vlogs about daily life have created a following of viewers who enjoy his relatable content.
  • I don't have many followers on Twitter, but I enjoy sharing my thoughts.
  • They, as a couple, are both conventionalists and enjoy a routine lifestyle.
  • I'm not a strict conventionalist, but I do enjoy celebrating holidays in a traditional way.
  • They enjoy entitling their weekly game nights for a playful touch.
  • They were divided on the choice of the movie, but eventually, they consented to watch a classic film that everyone could enjoy.
  • Jake missed the bus, allowing him to enjoy a leisurely walk through the park.
  • Alex laughed, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the moment.
  • It was a beautiful day, and she felt that the universe was permitting her to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
  • The radio station was garbled, and I couldn't enjoy the music properly.
  • Let's enjoy the sunshine and go for a picnic in the park this weekend.
  • To enjoy a smooth road trip, make sure to check the tire pressure and fill up the gas tank.
  • To enjoy a clean house, tidy up a little every day instead of waiting for a big cleanup.
  • Taking breaks throughout the day can help you stay focused and enjoy your work more.
  • Many people enjoy hiking in the mountains for the beautiful scenery and fresh air.
  • I enjoy watching movies on weekends.
  • Spending time in nature, such as going for a walk in the park, is a simple way to enjoy some peace and quiet.
  • Cooking together as a family is something we all enjoy.
  • Cultivating hobbies and interests that you enjoy can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.
  • Balancing work and leisure activities is crucial for me to enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle, as I prioritize both professional growth and personal well-being.
  • To enhance your overall well-being, prioritize activities that you genuinely enjoy and find fulfilling.
  • My appreciation for art has evolved over the years, and now I truly enjoy visiting galleries and museums to immerse myself in different forms of expression.
  • Savoring a meticulously prepared meal at a fine dining restaurant is an experience I deeply enjoy, as it stimulates not only the palate but also the senses.
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