established in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to make firm, stable, or secure; to set up or found something, typically an organization, system, or institution 2) to bring into existence; to introduce or initiate something, often with the intention of creating a lasting presence or impact 3) to prove or show something to be true or valid; to confirm or demonstrate the validity or existence of something 4) to gain acceptance or recognition; to become recognized or acknowledged as a standard or authority in a particular field or domain Similar words: created, developed, formed, founded, implemented, initiated, installed, instituted, organized, set-up,

  • They're the ones who established the rule about no electronics at the dinner table.
  • She established a collection of rare books in her personal library.
  • The intricate web of geopolitical factors at play threatened to disunite the fragile peace established in the region.
  • They meticulously analyzed legal precedents to craft a judgment that wouldn't disunite established legal principles.
  • We grapple with intricate issues that have the power to polarize public discourse and challenge established norms.
  • In academic circles, theories that challenge established paradigms have the potential to polarize scholars and spark paradigm shifts.
  • In a surprising turn of events, the rogue politician announced their candidacy for mayor, shaking up the established political landscape.
  • They established a reputation as the jolly philanthropists of the community, their generous contributions transforming countless lives for the better.
  • A special committee was established for this purpose.
  • They established a charitable foundation because of this philanthropic inclination.
  • He established a mentorship program, connecting experienced leaders with emerging talents, for that reason, promoting knowledge transfer and leadership development.
  • Hence, Dr. Reynolds expounded upon the intricacies of quantum physics in her erudite dissertation, challenging established paradigms within the scientific community.
  • Traditionalists prefer to stick to established ways of doing things.
  • A traditionalist is someone who values and follows established customs and practices.
  • Within religious practices, traditionalists are inclined to follow established rituals and doctrines without deviation.
  • In literature, a traditionalist approach involves adhering to established literary forms and conventions rather than experimenting with avant-garde styles.
  • She established herself as a leader inspiring her colleagues to be followers of groundbreaking research methodologies.
  • The literary critic established himself as a follower of deconstructionist theories, unraveling layers of meaning in classical texts.
  • She, being a conventionalist, finds comfort in established norms.
  • He a seasoned conventionalist, curated an art exhibition challenging established paradigms.
  • The conventionalist sticks to established norms.
  • His conservative views on education focused on maintaining established teaching methods.
  • As a seasoned conventionalist, Professor Rodriguez insisted on upholding established methodologies in his research.
  • They are conformists, always sticking to the established norms and expectations.
  • Most employees in the company are conformists, sticking to the established routines.
  • She established an advocacy group, tirelessly working towards legislative changes that would be truly empowering for marginalized communities.
  • They established a rigorous system to verify the accuracy of the data collected during the experiment.
  • My grandparents have an established routine every morning.
  • She was eager and established a career in the field of environmental conservation.
  • The company was established with the goal of revolutionizing the tech industry.
  • We decided to buy from an established brand for reliability.
  • She worked hard and established herself as a respected artist in the community.
  • We're looking for an established babysitter for date nights.
  • Do you know any established plumbers in the area?
  • We always buy our produce from the established farmer's market.
  • I prefer shopping at established grocery stores for quality products.
  • The town's market was established centuries ago.
  • They chose an established hotel for their vacation.
  • They have established a new tradition for Thanksgiving.
  • The team has established a strong bond over the years.
  • We decided and established a savings account for our future expenses.
  • Can you recommend an established mechanic for my car?
  • They've established a reputation for quality craftsmanship in their carpentry business.
  • They found an established company to do the repairs.
  • This park was established as a wildlife sanctuary.
  • My favorite café was established by a local family years ago.
  • He has established himself as a leading expert in his field.
  • They've established a weekly tradition of family game nights.
  • He prefers established methods over new ones.
  • We need to find an established doctor for regular check-ups.
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