fallible in a sentence

Meaning: 1) prone to making mistakes or being erroneous 2) having the capacity to fail or be wrong 3) liable to error or inaccuracies

  • It's important to recognize that she, like everyone else, is fallible.
  • She understood that being fallible didn't make her any less capable of success.
  • The teacher emphasized the importance of embracing mistakes as opportunities to learn, given the fallible nature of human cognition.
  • We tend to forget that our parents are fallible too; they make mistakes just like us.
  • Recognizing that we are all fallible is essential for personal growth and development.
  • The author's portrayal of characters as fallible beings added depth and realism to the story.
  • The teacher emphasized the importance of critical thinking to mitigate fallible conclusions.
  • His fallible memory sometimes caused him to forget important dates.
  • As a connoisseur of fine art, she discerned the fallible brushstrokes that revealed the artist's struggle.
  • It's important to recognize that being fallible is part of being human.
  • Reflecting on the fallible nature of historical documentation is crucial in academic research.
  • Despite his charisma, the leader acknowledged that he was fallible and capable of error.
  • In a world full of uncertainties, it's evident that we are all fallible.
  • The scientist's discourse on the fallible aspects of quantum theory left the audience in contemplation.
  • The fallible nature of eyewitness testimony highlights the need for corroborating evidence in criminal investigations.
  • Despite his erudition, he couldn't escape the fallible nature of human perception.
  • Despite his esteemed reputation, the scientist acknowledged that his theories were fallible and subject to revision.
  • Even the most experienced doctors are fallible and can misdiagnose patients.
  • I messed up at work today; I guess I'm just fallible like everyone else.
  • In literary criticism, recognizing characters as fallible adds depth to the analysis.
  • In the pursuit of knowledge, one must accept that theories are fallible and subject to revision.
  • The film portrayed characters with fallible qualities, making it a realistic and relatable story.
  • Despite his expertise, the professor admitted he was fallible and could make mistakes.
  • The journalist's investigation revealed the fallible aspects of the initial news report.
  • The entrepreneur's success lay not only in innovation but in managing fallible market trends.
  • The CEO humbly admitted to being fallible and open to feedback from employees.
  • Understanding that machines are fallible, engineers implement redundant safety measures.
  • We need to create a culture where it's okay to be fallible and learn from our mistakes.
  • She learned from her fallible actions and became stronger as a result.
  • As fallible creatures, humans must confront their limitations and strive for continuous improvement.
  • The scientist's groundbreaking research revealed that even the most brilliant minds are fallible.
  • The historical account highlighted the fallible nature of eyewitness testimony.
  • They realized the consequences of their fallible decisions too late.
  • The diplomat's negotiations hinged on understanding the fallible motivations behind political decisions.
  • The intricacies of fallible decision-making in corporate governance are subjects of intense scrutiny.
  • He realized that being fallible didn't diminish his worth as a person.
  • Despite his expertise, he admitted to being fallible in certain areas.
  • They realized that their perception of reality was fallible, shaped by biases and subjective experiences.
  • Sometimes we have to learn the hard way that we're fallible beings.
  • She understood that being fallible didn't diminish her worth as a person.
  • The weather forecast is fallible, so it's good to check it regularly.
  • Fallible decisions are part of life, but they provide opportunities to learn.
  • Teachers understand that students are fallible and may need help.
  • It's okay to be fallible; nobody is perfect.
  • My friend admitted he was fallible and apologized for the misunderstanding.
  • The mechanic admitted he was fallible and might need more time to fix the car.
  • Learning from mistakes is part of being fallible and growing as a person.
  • The scientist emphasized that theories are fallible and subject to revision.
  • The artist understood that art is fallible, and not everyone will appreciate it.
  • Falling asleep during a movie is a fallible habit many people have.
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