flexibility in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the quality of being adaptable or variable; the ability to change or adjust easily to different circumstances or situations 2) the capability of bending or stretching easily without breaking; suppleness or elasticity 3) the willingness to consider alternative viewpoints or options; open-mindedness or receptiveness to new ideas 4) the extent to which something can be modified or manipulated; versatility or pliability Similar words: accommodation, adaptability, elasticity, fluidity, malleability, open-mindedness, pliability, resilience, suppleness, versatility,

  • To improve your flexibility, incorporate yoga poses like downward-facing dog and tree pose to stretch your limbs and strengthen your core and branch muscles.
  • The doctor recommended a range of exercises to improve my flexibility.
  • The company's success can be attributed to its ability to adapt and maintain flexibility in a rapidly changing market.
  • Can you show me some exercises to increase flexibility?
  • The chef demonstrated her culinary flexibility by improvising a new recipe with the available ingredients.
  • She has incredible flexibility in her joints.
  • Flexibility in cooking means being able to substitute ingredients.
  • Building flexibility into software systems allows for easier updates and maintenance.
  • Alex's journey to mastering the guitar required patience, practice, and flexibility in learning different chords and techniques.
  • John needs to improve his flexibility for playing sports.
  • I like to stretch to improve my flexibility.
  • I honed my negotiation skills, leveraging flexibility as a strategic tool to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes in business dealings.
  • Lack of flexibility can lead to muscle stiffness.
  • Flexibility in parenting means being open to different approaches.
  • We encountered resistance from stakeholders who were hesitant to embrace the flexibility of our proposed project management methodology.
  • He exhibited exceptional flexibility in his approach to problem-solving, considering multiple perspectives before reaching a decision.
  • Mark's career thrived thanks to his flexibility in adapting to new technologies and methods.
  • The team decided to prioritize flexibility in their approach.
  • Cognitive flexibility is a valuable skill in problem-solving and creativity.
  • Adapting to a new city requires a certain level of flexibility and adaptability.
  • I find that flexibility in my routine helps reduce stress.
  • Flexibility is often cited as a key attribute for success in various fields.
  • She values the flexibility of her gym membership.
  • The government is considering policies to enhance labor market flexibility.
  • Flexibility training can help prevent injuries in athletes.
  • They debated the merits of legislative proposals aimed at increasing labor market flexibility while safeguarding worker rights.
  • Negotiating contracts requires a balance between stability and flexibility.
  • I need to work on my flexibility for dance class.
  • Flexibility in decision-making is crucial for effective leadership.
  • Flexibility is important for staying healthy.
  • I appreciate the flexibility my boss gives me with my work hours.
  • Flexibility in budgeting allows for unexpected expenses.
  • They appreciate the flexibility of online shopping.
  • Michael's success in the business world stemmed from his ability to negotiate with flexibility and empathy.
  • Tina's dance instructor emphasized the importance of flexibility to avoid injuries during performances.
  • Can you adjust the plans? I need some flexibility in my day.
  • Emily admired the flexibility of the tree branches as they swayed gracefully in the wind.
  • I need to improve my flexibility in dealing with difficult situations.
  • It's important to have flexibility when making plans with friends.
  • Flexibility allows us to bend without breaking.
  • Yoga helps with flexibility and relaxation.
  • He enjoys the flexibility of working from home.
  • We need to discuss the flexibility of our travel plans.
  • Having flexibility in your schedule makes it easier to adapt to changes.
  • Sarah marveled at the flexibility of the acrobat as she watched the circus performance.
  • She showcased her linguistic flexibility by effortlessly switching between languages during the international conference.
  • Flexibility in learning allows for different methods of understanding.
  • The debate over labor laws centers on balancing worker rights with employer flexibility.
  • Having flexibility in transportation options is convenient.
  • The company promotes a culture of flexibility in the workplace.
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