follower in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a person who supports or admires a particular person, group, or set of ideas 2) a person who obeys or imitates someone in authority 3) a person who pursues or attends someone or something 4) a person who subscribes to or keeps track of updates on a social media account or blog 5) a part of a machine or device that follows the movements of another part Similar words: acceptor, acolyte, adherent, admirer, advocate, backer, believer, devotee, devout, disciple, enthusiast, fan, hanger-on, proponent, supporter, worshiper, zealot,

  • He was acknowledged as a follower of postmodern literature, weaving intricate narratives that challenged traditional storytelling norms.
  • To enhance your language skills, immerse yourself in content created by native speakers and fellow language learners – become a follower of language enthusiasts.
  • The dedicated environmentalist was a fervent follower of sustainable practices, promoting eco-friendly initiatives in the community.
  • She, an enthusiastic traveler, became a follower of cultural experiences, immersing herself in local customs wherever she went.
  • John identified himself as a follower of ancient civilizations drawn to artifacts from different eras.
  • Do you have a favorite Instagram account that you're a loyal follower of?
  • Regularly sharing progress updates on personal projects can create a supportive online follower base.
  • Being a follower of healthy living, I always look for new recipes and wellness tips.
  • Keep a budget as your financial follower to manage expenses and save money.
  • In photography, learn from accomplished photographers and be a follower of their techniques for capturing striking images.
  • They envisioned a future where urban planning would be a follower of eco-centric design principles.
  • She emerged as a follower of existentialist thought, delving into the complexities of human existence.
  • In the dance class, everyone is encouraged to be a follower of the instructor's movements to master the choreography.
  • She became a follower of the positive mindset, focusing on gratitude each day.
  • He emerged as a follower of molecular gastronomy, redefining the culinary landscape with scientific precision.
  • As a parent, it's important to be a positive follower and set a good example for your kids.
  • He is a follower of the DIY car maintenance trend, fixing his own vehicle.
  • She gained recognition as a follower of string theory, delving into the intricacies of multidimensional universes.
  • Explore new genres and authors to expand your reading palate – become a follower of diverse literary voices.
  • Improve your cooking skills by being a follower of experienced chefs, trying out their recipes and adapting them to your taste.
  • Maria became a fervent follower of the self-help guru's teachings, finding inspiration for personal growth.
  • Dr. Smith is regarded as a prominent follower of groundbreaking research methodologies.
  • In gardening, one must be a diligent follower of seasonal planting guides to ensure a bountiful harvest.
  • Follower engagement is key on social media; respond to comments and messages to build a strong online community.
  • To excel in a competitive job market, be a follower of industry trends, continuously updating your skills and knowledge.
  • He positioned himself as a follower of disruptive innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of what was deemed possible.
  • He is a follower of the morning routine, starting the day with a healthy breakfast.
  • I have a new follower on social media.
  • The wise mentor encouraged his young protégé to be a follower of lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of continuous education.
  • She is a dedicated follower of the latest fashion trends, always showcasing a unique and stylish wardrobe.
  • He became a follower of Michelin-starred restaurants, exploring the nuances of culinary artistry.
  • Are you a follower of any book clubs? I'm looking for recommendations.
  • I have a friend who is a follower of the mindfulness practice for stress relief.
  • My mom is my biggest follower in everything I do.
  • She, an aspiring chef, started as a follower of renowned culinary blogs, learning new recipes to hone her cooking skills.
  • The literary critic established himself as a follower of deconstructionist theories, unraveling layers of meaning in classical texts.
  • He became a follower of the popular fitness trend to stay healthy.
  • I have a sister who is a follower of the minimalist lifestyle, simplifying her possessions.
  • He became a follower of algorithmic trading leveraging complex algorithms to navigate volatile markets with precision.
  • She dedicated her life to being a follower of social justice, fighting against systemic inequalities.
  • I have a cousin who is a follower of the astronomy club, exploring the night sky.
  • She is a devoted follower of the local fashion scene and trends.
  • I have a colleague who is a follower of the time-management technique for increased productivity.
  • She became a follower of the volunteer group to contribute to the community.
  • On her nature walks, Lily discovered a butterfly that became her colorful follower.
  • To enhance language skills, immerse yourself in native content with a language-learning follower.
  • The tech entrepreneur garnered a substantial following among industry leaders, positioning himself as a follower of disruptive innovations in the startup ecosystem.
  • I have a new follower on my favorite social media platform.
  • The curator pointed out a masterpiece explaining that the painter was a notable follower of abstract expressionism.
  • Can you be my follower and help me choose an outfit for the party?
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