graceful in a sentence

Meaning: 1) having or showing an attractive quality of form, movement, or proportion 2) characterized by elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or speech 3) characterized by refinement and simplicity 4) marked by tact and propriety 5) characterized by ease and suppleness of movement or execution 6) characterized by a pleasing and graceful symmetry 7) displaying kindness, courtesy, or goodwill 8) characterized by a sense of propriety and consideration for others 9) an act or instance of showing favor, kindness, or mercy 10) a short prayer of thanks before or after a meal Similar words: buoyant, classy, dainty, delicate, elegant, lithe, poised, polished, refined, sophisticated,

  • The dancer's movements were fluid and graceful, yet imbued with a playful energy.
  • He admired the graceful movements of the ballet dancers on stage, their expressions conveying a story without words.
  • Despite facing adversity, she remained poised and graceful, inspiring those around her.
  • I've always admired how effortlessly he moves, so lithe and graceful.
  • The traditional dance was performed with a graceful charm.
  • We embarked on the journey with a graceful anticipation, eager for new experiences.
  • The cat leaped from the table with a graceful agility.
  • She walked through the garden with a graceful gait, enjoying the tranquility of nature.
  • In the scientific community, they probed the frontiers of knowledge with a graceful blend of experimentation and theoretical exploration.
  • They explored the historical sites with a graceful appreciation for the cultural heritage.
  • The flower petals fell to the ground in a graceful descent.
  • His handwriting was so graceful that it seemed like art.
  • They managed the project with a graceful coordination, ensuring all aspects were addressed.
  • The ballet dancer's movements were incredibly graceful.
  • The speaker delivered the speech with a graceful articulation that held the audience's attention.
  • She held the umbrella with a graceful poise as the rain started to fall.
  • She embraced the challenge with a graceful determination, showcasing her resilience.
  • The butterfly floated through the air with a graceful flutter.
  • In the realm of fine arts, her brushstrokes exhibited a graceful fusion of technique and emotion.
  • They enjoyed a picnic in the park, sitting on a blanket with graceful ease.
  • The royal family attended the event with a graceful presence, captivating the audience.
  • The CEO managed the company's crisis with a graceful leadership, instilling confidence in the team.
  • She walked with a graceful stride, attracting everyone's attention.
  • His prose, marked by a graceful cadence, left an indelible impact on the literary landscape.
  • The politician handled the difficult question with a graceful response, avoiding controversy.
  • The artist painted with a graceful brushstroke, creating a masterpiece on the canvas.
  • The gentleman tipped his hat in a graceful greeting.
  • The children played tag in the yard, moving with a surprisingly graceful agility.
  • The chef prepared the dish with a level of culinary expertise that was truly graceful.
  • The old clock chimed with a graceful and melodic sound.
  • The swan moved across the water in a graceful manner.
  • We approached the environmental crisis with a graceful amalgamation of sustainable practices and policy advocacy.
  • The horse galloped across the field in a graceful manner.
  • I observed as the leaves fell from the tree in a graceful dance.
  • The actor's bow at the end of the play was truly graceful.
  • The garden's roses bloomed in a graceful display of colors.
  • The tree branches swayed in the wind in a graceful dance.
  • She approached the piano with a graceful posture before playing a beautiful melody.
  • The negotiation proceeded with a graceful dance of compromise, a testament to diplomatic finesse.
  • He approached the task with a graceful efficiency, completing it in record time.
  • The robin landed on the branch in a graceful descent.
  • They tackled the project with a graceful collaboration, combining their skills effectively.
  • She managed the team with a graceful balance of authority and empathy.
  • The gymnast executed a series of flips with a graceful precision.
  • The car maneuvered through traffic with a graceful ease, thanks to the skilled driver.
  • The professor explained the complex theory with a graceful simplicity, making it accessible to all.
  • Amidst the scientific discourse, the researcher presented findings with a graceful integration of interdisciplinary perspectives.
  • In the academic milieu, she authored a thesis with a graceful synthesis of diverse theoretical frameworks.
  • He responded to the challenge with a graceful adaptability, adjusting his strategy.
  • The philosopher's discourse unfolded with a graceful articulation, delving into profound existential questions.
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