intelligent in a sentence

Meaning: 1) having or indicating a high mental capacity characterized by keen perception, sound judgment, and quick comprehension 2) able to learn, adapt, and apply knowledge effectively 3) showing intelligence or intellect in problem-solving or decision-making 4) possessing the ability to think critically and reason logically 5) exhibiting a capacity for understanding complex concepts and ideas 6) marked by the ability to learn from experience and apply acquired knowledge 7) characterized by a high degree of mental alertness and astuteness 8) capable of grasping and comprehending information swiftly and accurately 9) demonstrating cognitive skills such as memory, reasoning, and problem-solving 10) displaying a proficiency in processing information and making informed decisions

  • He, with his erudition, presented an intelligent synthesis of historical perspectives on the subject.
  • Intelligent choices lead to success.
  • The professor is known for his intelligent lectures.
  • An intelligent answer requires understanding.
  • She is known for her intelligent and thought-provoking presentations.
  • In their research, they explored intelligent applications of artificial intelligence.
  • This book is about intelligent animals.
  • She, being an astute observer, discerned the intelligent interplay of socio-economic factors in the unfolding narrative.
  • We, as cognoscenti in the field, recognize the subtle nuances of intelligent algorithmic design.
  • We, as connoisseurs of art, appreciate the intelligent juxtaposition of form and meaning in this masterpiece.
  • They, as pioneers in the industry, consistently push the boundaries with intelligent innovations.
  • She impressed everyone with her intelligent analysis of the market trends.
  • They implemented an intelligent strategy to improve company productivity.
  • He is passionate about promoting intelligent innovation in the technology sector.
  • The smartphone is intelligent and user-friendly.
  • He is known for his avant-garde and intelligent critique of contemporary literature.
  • In this situation, he made an intelligent decision that benefited everyone.
  • He made an intelligent decision.
  • The problem requires an intelligent solution.
  • They believe in the power of intelligent collaboration to achieve success.
  • The intelligent student excels in all subjects.
  • In the symposium, she delivered an intelligent discourse on the intersectionality of culture and identity.
  • We are confident in our ability to find intelligent solutions to complex issues.
  • The intelligent design of the building is impressive.
  • In this avant-garde experiment, they employed an intelligent fusion of technology and artistry, yielding a truly unique outcome.
  • They, as seasoned diplomats, approached the negotiation with an intelligent understanding of geopolitical complexities.
  • I, for one, appreciate the intelligent design of this new product.
  • He believes that intelligent technology can positively impact society.
  • The spaceship's computer is intelligent.
  • In the meeting, they proposed an intelligent plan for project management.
  • Intelligent students ask questions.
  • The software has intelligent features.
  • We, as a team, need to come up with intelligent solutions to overcome challenges.
  • I appreciate her for being an intelligent and dedicated team member.
  • The scientist is intelligent and creative.
  • Intelligent conversations are interesting.
  • The intelligent cat solved the puzzle.
  • We need an intelligent response to the challenges posed by climate change.
  • An intelligent approach to the issue is necessary.
  • We discussed intelligent ways to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • He looks intelligent.
  • The computer is intelligent.
  • The chess player made an intelligent move.
  • In our discussion, she shared an intelligent analysis of the cultural impact.
  • My teacher is intelligent.
  • The detective is intelligent and observant.
  • In the realm of artificial intelligence, she is regarded as an exceptionally intelligent researcher, contributing groundbreaking theories.
  • He, being an intelligent leader, guided the team to achieve their goals.
  • Intelligent beings can communicate effectively.
  • I think she has an intelligent perspective on the current economic situation.
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