large in a sentence

Meaning: 1) extensive in spatial dimensions 2) of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity 3) having a broad range or scope 4) populous or numerous 5) of wide range or scope in terms of influence or effect 6) impressive in magnitude or degree 7) having a significant amount of something 8) being of more than average size or magnitude 9) ostentatious or showy in appearance 10) of considerable importance or influence 11) generously proportioned or abundant in amount 12) having a liberal or tolerant attitude 13) coarse or broad in style or taste

  • The scientists conducted experiments on a large scale to test their hypothesis.
  • The diameter of the swimming pool is large enough for many people to swim at once.
  • I think the dimensions of this table are too large for our dining area.
  • With limited storage space, it's challenging to stockpile enough groceries for a large family.
  • The software utilizes advanced algorithms to automatically summarize lengthy documents, saving users valuable time in processing large volumes of information.
  • Data analytics tools like Excel and Tableau make it easier to analyze large datasets.
  • Quantitative analysis can help identify patterns and trends in large datasets that may not be apparent through qualitative methods alone.
  • Data analytics involves examining large sets of data.
  • Data scientists play a key role in processing and analyzing large volumes of numerical data.
  • Statistical software allows researchers to efficiently analyze large datasets.
  • We, the society at large, grapple with the challenge of reconciling historical jingo with a more inclusive worldview.
  • In her office, the large desk serves as the focal point.
  • The large clock in the town square is the focal point for gatherings.
  • The central point in the room is the large, round table.
  • The neighborhood cleanup event helped accumulate a large pile of recyclables.
  • The religious leader had a large following of devoted followers.
  • They're not permitting large bags inside the concert venue.
  • As a precautionary measure, the bank verifies the customer's identity before approving large transactions.
  • He identified as an introvert, preferring quiet introspection over large gatherings.
  • I affirmed my order for a large coffee, please.
  • We're seeing an increasing awareness of age-related discrimination in the workplace and society at large, sparking conversations about equity and inclusivity across generations.
  • I, as a data scientist, utilize regression charts to model complex relationships between variables and derive meaningful insights from large datasets.
  • The hierarchical structure in large corporations can be compared to the feudal hierarchy, with executives overseeing their respective realms of responsibility.
  • We explored a large market with stalls selling various handmade crafts.
  • They celebrated their success with a large feast at the finest restaurant in town.
  • We marveled at the large waterfall cascading down the rocky cliffs.
  • They are going on vacation next week with a large suitcase.
  • She invited us to a party at her large, beautifully decorated home.
  • They attended a grand ceremony held in a large, elegant hall.
  • The large clock on the wall tells the time.
  • The large truck is blocking the road.
  • We encountered a large obstacle on the hiking trail, forcing us to find an alternative route.
  • His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the large mountain for the first time.
  • We are studying English together with a large dictionary.
  • It is a large elephant.
  • The elephant is a large animal.
  • During our conversation, she mentioned her dream of owning a large farmhouse.
  • In everyday life, it's common to encounter large crowds during rush hours.
  • We embarked on a road trip, crossing large landscapes and diverse terrains.
  • You are very kind with a large smile.
  • In the story, the protagonist faced a large challenge that tested his courage.
  • They shared a large pizza with a variety of delicious toppings for dinner.
  • I felt a surge of emotion as I entered the large auditorium for the concert.
  • She expressed her excitement as she opened the door to a large surprise.
  • The political analyst provided a nuanced analysis of the large voter turnout in the recent election, citing various socio-economic factors.
  • She is wearing a large hat to protect herself from the sun.
  • In urban planning, architects often grapple with the challenge of integrating large infrastructure projects seamlessly into the cityscape.
  • It is a large tree with many branches.
  • He is a tall man with a large hat.
  • The diplomat addressed the large assembly, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation.
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