militant in a sentence

Meaning: 1) engaged in warfare or combat 2) vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause 3) having a militant character or nature 4) showing a willingness to use force or take strong action to achieve one's goals 5) relating to or characteristic of a militant or militants Similar words: activist, aggressive, assertive, bellicose, belligerent, combative, confrontational, fanatical, ferocious, fierce, hostile, intense, pugnacious, radical, resolute, truculent, uncompromising, violent, warlike, zealous,

  • I met a person who is quite militant in their views.
  • The discussion on social media became quite militant.
  • Understanding the root causes is crucial for addressing militant movements.
  • Our neighborhood formed a committee to prevent militant influences.
  • The news highlighted the government's efforts to curb militant activities.
  • The teacher told us to discuss our opinions without being militant.
  • The region witnessed a surge in militant activities in recent years.
  • We need to consider the root causes that lead people to become militant.
  • A militant person fights for their beliefs.
  • We critically examine the socio-economic factors contributing to militant upsurge.
  • He believes in addressing social issues without resorting to militant tactics.
  • We should avoid discussions with militant individuals.
  • The think tank proposed a comprehensive strategy to counter the evolving nature of militant threats.
  • The news reported on a militant group causing trouble.
  • We don't want to be perceived as too militant in our stance.
  • People in the city are worried about the rise of militant behavior.
  • Tom, a quiet guy, turned militant after reading a book.
  • They decrypted encrypted communications among militant entities.
  • John's cousin is involved in a group with some militant tendencies.
  • I discerned the subtle shifts within the militant paradigm.
  • That guy seems really militant about environmental issues.
  • The diplomat urged dialogue as an alternative to dealing with militant factions.
  • The city councilors debated strategies to address the militant presence.
  • The historical context shaped the rise of militant ideologies.
  • Sarah's uncle is part of a militant organization.
  • In academic circles, scholars delve into the nuanced motivations behind militant movements.
  • In the city, stories of militant activities circulated.
  • The militant leader inspired his followers with passion.
  • Jack's brother is known for his militant views.
  • He navigated the intricate web of global militant networks.
  • She seems to be a bit militant when it comes to politics.
  • The geopolitical landscape is intricately entwined with the actions of militant factions.
  • The militant soldier was trained for combat.
  • I heard that they are becoming more militant in their approach.
  • I read an article about a militant movement in the newspaper.
  • A neighbor got involved in a militant movement.
  • They formed a coalition to counter the influence of militant groups.
  • It's important not to be overly militant in discussions.
  • Why do some people become so militant about their beliefs?
  • The neighborhood is concerned about the rise of militant behavior.
  • I heard about some militant folks at the protest yesterday.
  • Scholars debate the effectiveness of military strategies against militant organizations.
  • My friend joined a militant club to advocate for animal rights.
  • She authored a seminal work on the psychology of militant radicalization.
  • The security forces were deployed to combat the militant insurgency.
  • Lisa's cousin joined a militant group for justice.
  • Some people become militant when discussing politics.
  • She joined the militant organization to make a change.
  • The city council discussed measures to counteract militant ideologies.
  • As a journalist, I interviewed a former militant to understand their perspective.
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