name in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a word or set of words by which a person or thing is known, addressed, or referred to 2) a reputation, especially a good one 3) a famous person 4) a word or phrase indicating a member of a class 5) a verbal designation or representation of a thing 6) a person's actual or personal bodily identity 7) authority or power 8) a member of a family, clan, or other kindred group 9) an appellation attached to a person as a mark of individuality 10) a distinctive appellation or designation 11) a widely recognized symbol or distinctive mark 12) an identified thing or person from the past 13) a person who is often mentioned or talked about 14) to give a name to 15) to mention or identify by name 16) to accuse by name 17) to nominate for office or appointment 18) to specify or fix by name Similar words: alias, appellation, brand, Call, characterization, cognomen, denomination, designation, epithet, fame, identity, label, moniker, recognition, reputation, sobriquet, title,

  • They select a name for their new pet bunny.
  • Please specify your name on the form.
  • They are going to pick a name for their new pet.
  • He etched his name in the annals of business history by revolutionizing the tech sector.
  • Could you tell me your full name, please?
  • The doctor's office called, and they couldn't find my file – it was under a different name.
  • When you meet someone new, just say your name and smile.
  • She achieved fame under the stage name "Luna" during her music career.
  • The barista misspelled my name on the coffee cup again; it's become a running joke.
  • I need to fill in my name on the form.
  • I didn't catch your name. Can you repeat it?
  • They attended the conference with a renowned speaker whose name is recognized worldwide.
  • He wielded his name and influence to broker a fragile peace treaty in the war-torn region.
  • In the art gallery, each painting had a small label with the artist's name.
  • I called your name, but you didn't answer.
  • He introduced himself as the CEO, but I couldn't recall his name during the discussion.
  • The novel's protagonist, despite facing adversity, became a name synonymous with resilience.
  • Hi, my name's Sarah. What's yours?
  • In business, it's essential to build a strong personal brand, starting with your name.
  • The renowned author, known by the name of Jane Austen, wrote many classic novels.
  • I forgot your name, sorry.
  • They sought to transcend traditional mediums, exploring the intersection of identity and name in their installations.
  • The chef recommended a dish I couldn't pronounce, so I just pointed to it on the menu by name.
  • In the end, it wasn't about winning or losing; it was about making a name for ourselves.
  • Can you spell your name for me?
  • We were surprised to find out that the new employee shares the same name as our old boss.
  • I'll write my name on the label so I don't forget my lunch.
  • Let's create name tags for the team-building workshop to make everyone feel more comfortable.
  • The teacher called my name in class.
  • The book has the author's name on the cover.
  • She added her name to groundbreaking research that reshaped our understanding of the cosmos.
  • Our neighborhood has a sense of community; everyone knows each other by name.
  • Don't forget to put your name on your homework.
  • What's the name of this street?
  • This is my friend, and his name is Alex.
  • What's the name of that place?
  • It's crucial to inquire about pronunciation if you're unsure about someone's name.
  • I came across an interesting article, but I can't remember the author's name.
  • Please write your name on the paper.
  • Registering for the event requires you to provide your full name and contact information.
  • The renowned architect, known by the moniker "starchitect," left an indelible mark on the cityscape with iconic buildings bearing his name.
  • My new colleagues made an effort to learn my name, which made me feel welcome.
  • We use name tags at events to help people identify each other.
  • Could you assign a name to this file, please?
  • I forgot to assign a name to my new puppy.
  • They whispered tales of the rapscallion's exploits in hushed tones, as if afraid to invoke his name for fear of summoning his presence.
  • Despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to shake off the ne'er-do-well reputation of their family name.
  • When entitling a document, choose a name that reflects its content accurately.
  • Rachel discovered an old postcard, its faded ink making the sender's name unreadable.
  • With a sigh of relief, she saw the green checkmark next to her name, confirming her ticket was verified.
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