noticed in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to become aware of something with the senses or mind 2) to pay attention to something 3) to observe or perceive something 4) to remark on or comment on something 5) to become conscious of something Similar words: detected, discerned, glimpsed, observed, perceived, recognized, spotted, witnessed,

  • As I walked through the forest, I noticed the branches swaying in the wind.
  • I've noticed significant advancements in the healthcare sector, particularly in telemedicine.
  • It wasn't until they reached the clearing that she noticed the delicate blossoms adorning the branches above.
  • We noticed the scale fluctuating, so we decided to recalibrate it.
  • I noticed the breadth of talent among the performers.
  • I've noticed a significant improvement in my endurance since I started cycling regularly.
  • I've noticed that travel often tests one's adaptability to new environments and cultures.
  • I've noticed that she tends to be unprincipled when faced with difficult decisions.
  • We've noticed a pattern of bills piling up when we don't stick to a budget.
  • I've noticed a tendency for distractions to pile up, hindering my productivity.
  • I've noticed that my sister tends to hoard snacks in her room, especially chocolate.
  • As the days went by, Sarah noticed her unread emails were starting to pile up.
  • I've noticed they have a stockpile of snacks in their locker at school.
  • We noticed a fragment of the painting was missing after it fell off the wall.
  • I noticed the amalgamation of traditional and contemporary styles in the fashion show.
  • Have you noticed how certain dog breeds have distinctive characteristics? That's the result of selective breeding.
  • The farmer noticed the sprouts growing taller each day.
  • She smiled as she noticed the first signs of life from the tiny sprouts she planted.
  • I've noticed that my houseplants thrive when I water them regularly.
  • I've noticed that my taste in music has evolved as I've gotten older.
  • She noticed how her writing style evolved over time.
  • I've noticed that different types of seeds have varying germination times.
  • I noticed a gleeful twinkle in his eye as he talked about his recent travel adventures.
  • I've noticed some xenophobic attitudes among my classmates, and I try to speak up against them.
  • I've noticed how travel experiences can influence one's sense of nationalistic pride.
  • I've noticed a lot of xenophobic rhetoric in the news lately; it's really disheartening.
  • Have you noticed a shift in societal attitudes regarding chauvinistic portrayals in the media?
  • I noticed a shift in their perspectives as they started to embrace jingoistic ideologies.
  • I noticed that the central character in the novel undergoes significant personal growth.
  • The detective noticed a small nub of evidence that solved the case.
  • I noticed the central point of the movie during the exciting climax.
  • He noticed the nub of a button missing from his favorite shirt.
  • I joined a fitness program; hence, I've noticed positive changes in my energy levels and overall well-being.
  • He noticed a follower in the audience nodding in agreement.
  • I noticed your approving gaze during the performance.
  • I noticed her approving smile when I shared my achievements.
  • As Jake entered the dark cave, he noticed cryptic drawings on the walls.
  • The teacher noticed the student's jumbled thoughts in the essay.
  • She noticed the garbled text in the document and decided to proofread it again.
  • I've noticed a significant improvement in my self-esteem since I started focusing on my strengths rather than my weaknesses.
  • I noticed the children were the first to applaud, their enthusiasm infectious.
  • I noticed the subtle shift in her expression, indicating her discomfort.
  • I'm happy you noticed my new haircut!
  • She always noticed when someone was sad and tried to help.
  • He finally noticed her waving at him from across the street.
  • He noticed the subtle tremor in his hands, betraying his nervousness.
  • Look! I noticed a bird building its nest in the tree.
  • The cat noticed the toy mouse and started to play.
  • As I perused the menu, I immediately noticed the intriguing fusion of flavors, prompting me to deviate from my usual order.
  • While scrolling through the newsfeed, I serendipitously noticed a job posting perfectly aligned with my career aspirations.
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