onset in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the beginning or start of something, especially something unpleasant or harmful 2) the initial stage of a condition or process 3) the point in time when something begins or starts to happen 4) the beginning of a specific event, process, or phenomenon Similar words: beginning, commencement, genesis, inception, kick-off, launch, outset, start, initation,

  • The onset of hunger made us eagerly await dinner.
  • The onset of winter brings cold weather and snow.
  • The onset of a new semester means meeting new classmates and teachers.
  • The onset of a good mood often follows a cup of coffee in the morning.
  • The onset of a new project at work kept me busy throughout the week.
  • She juggled the onset of family responsibilities while pursuing her career.
  • We embraced the onset of innovation to stay competitive in the market.
  • She coped with the onset of grief by leaning on her support system.
  • She adapted to the onset of a remote work environment with new tools.
  • They discussed the onset of social issues affecting their community.
  • I navigated the onset of a challenging situation by focusing on problem-solving.
  • I felt the onset of a headache after staring at the screen for too long.
  • We strategized how to handle the onset of a conflict within the team.
  • The doctor explained the onset of symptoms as a sign of the flu.
  • The onset of globalization has led to increased cultural exchange between countries.
  • He elucidated the onset of geopolitical shifts and their ramifications on global dynamics.
  • We engaged in a dialectical discussion, exploring the onset of ideological contradictions.
  • The scientist studied the onset of a new scientific theory to challenge existing paradigms.
  • They explored the onset of technological advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • I saw the onset of curiosity in her eyes as she asked about the story.
  • The doctor explained the onset of the disease and recommended a treatment plan.
  • We experienced the onset of darkness as the sun set behind the mountains.
  • Amidst the onset of existential questions, she contemplated the purpose and meaning of life.
  • The onset of the storm caused panic among the residents.
  • I addressed the onset of stress by practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques.
  • The sudden onset of rain caught us by surprise during the picnic.
  • The onset of a craving for sweets led me to the bakery.
  • They discussed the onset of changes happening in their neighborhood.
  • We're anticipating the onset of a busy week with work deadlines and meetings.
  • He coped with the onset of disappointment by seeking support from friends.
  • We examined the onset of societal norms and their evolution over time.
  • I scrutinized the onset of philosophical concepts, seeking a deeper understanding of existence.
  • I grappled with the onset of epistemological challenges in my academic research.
  • I confronted the onset of self-doubt by seeking constructive feedback.
  • She carefully analyzed the onset of economic trends to make informed investment decisions.
  • The onset of traffic on the way to work made me frustrated.
  • He reflected on the onset of political unrest and its consequences on society.
  • We experienced the onset of joy when our favorite team won the game.
  • They probed into the onset of cultural phenomena, analyzing their historical underpinnings.
  • I managed the onset of a demanding project by prioritizing tasks.
  • The onset of laughter echoed through the room as friends shared jokes.
  • I researched the onset of historical events that shaped the course of the nation.
  • The onset of spring is marked by blossoming flowers and warmer temperatures.
  • They endeavored to comprehend the onset of complex geopolitical alliances shaping international relations.
  • The sudden onset of rain forced us to change our outdoor plans.
  • She felt the onset of hunger while cooking dinner in the kitchen.
  • We adapted to the onset of a different routine after moving to a new city.
  • He embarked on a multidisciplinary analysis, deciphering the onset of interconnected societal issues.
  • They coped with the onset of a health crisis by seeking medical advice promptly.
  • They grappled with the onset of uncertainty in the stock market.
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