overall in a sentence

Meaning: 1) in general; considering everything 2) covering or including everything 3) from one end to the other; all-encompassing 4) taking everything into account; comprehensive 5) including all aspects or elements; overall view 6) a loose-fitting outer garment that covers the entire body Similar words: by-and-large, generally, in general, on the whole, in the main, all in all, in summary, in the grand scheme of things, in general terms, in the aggregate, to sum up, in a broader sense, taking everything into account, in the final analysis,

  • Urban planners are considering implementing green spaces within the area to improve the overall quality of life for residents.
  • We must recognize the importance of mental fortitude in maintaining overall well-being.
  • Building endurance through regular exercise can lead to improved overall health.
  • Endurance training can help improve your overall health.
  • The psychological toll of hoarding extends beyond the individual, impacting relationships, financial stability, and overall well-being.
  • Scientific studies suggest that stress can accumulate and impact overall well-being.
  • In a group project, it's beneficial to assign a leader who can coordinate and oversee the overall progress.
  • The art gallery curator worked diligently to designate appropriate spaces for each masterpiece, enhancing the overall visitor experience.
  • The composite score on the exam reflects overall performance across different subjects.
  • A combination of regular exercise and balanced diet is important for overall health.
  • She's examining the aggregate impact of different diets on overall health.
  • To enhance your overall happiness, prioritize self-care activities such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and spending time doing things you enjoy.
  • When reflecting on past experiences, focus on the positive moments and accomplishments rather than dwelling on mistakes or setbacks, as cultivating a positive mindset can lead to greater overall happiness.
  • Taking time for self-care activities like bubble baths or long walks contributes to my overall happiness.
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices can contribute to overall happiness and well-being.
  • A well-chosen focal point can enhance the overall design of a room.
  • Addressing illiterateness is crucial for overall societal development.
  • Illiteracy affects not only individuals but also the overall development of a nation.
  • Managing stress is often the central point of maintaining overall well-being.
  • We streamlined internal processes, optimized resource allocation, and, for that reason, significantly improved overall operational efficiency.
  • Jenny adopted a healthier lifestyle, and as a result, she lost weight and improved her overall well-being.
  • I joined a fitness program; hence, I've noticed positive changes in my energy levels and overall well-being.
  • The outcomes of collective bargaining can significantly impact the overall morale and productivity of a workforce.
  • Learn to manage stress through mindfulness techniques; therefore, you'll enhance your overall well-being.
  • The positive actions of individuals in a community can add up to a collective impact on the overall well-being of society.
  • Balancing work and personal life helps to add up overall well-being.
  • Implementing effective leadership strategies in a dynamic workplace can add up to improved team dynamics and overall organizational success.
  • Your contributions to the team project really add up, making a significant difference to the overall success.
  • She realized that the small daily habits she developed were adding up to shape her overall well-being.
  • It's essential to recognize how various aspects of our lives, such as relationships and work, can add up to contribute to our overall happiness.
  • Pay attention to your daily habits because they add up to shape your overall lifestyle and well-being.
  • Overall, fruits and vegetables are good for your health.
  • He played well in the game, and the team won overall.
  • Books contain stories or information, and overall, they can be very interesting.
  • The cat is cute and playful overall.
  • Phones need charging, and overall, it's essential for their battery life.
  • The vacation was enjoyable, and it was a great trip overall.
  • Iteratively refining the algorithm, he optimized its efficiency, and overall, achieved groundbreaking results.
  • The birthday party had balloons, and overall, it was fun.
  • To learn a new language, practice speaking overall.
  • Overall, the symphony's performance showcased the virtuosity of the musicians.
  • Sam learned to ride his bike, and overall, he felt proud.
  • Tim found a lost puppy, and overall, he was excited.
  • She studied hard, and she did well in the exam overall.
  • To send an email, click "compose" and type the recipient's address overall.
  • A summative test is given at the end of the school year to assess overall learning.
  • In the corporate boardroom, strategic decisions were made collectively, and overall, they steered the company towards success.
  • The entrepreneur strategically diversified her investments, and overall, she mitigated risks.
  • I enjoyed the party, and it was a good experience overall.
  • Overall, the Earth rotates, causing day and night.
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