playful in a sentence

Meaning: 1) characterized by a tendency to play or engage in activities for fun and amusement 2) showing a light-hearted or mischievous attitude or manner 3) intended to amuse or entertain, often in a light-hearted or humorous way 4) involving a sense of fun or enjoyment, often without serious intent or purpose Similar words: animated, cheeky, frisky, frolicsome, jovial, lively, mischievous, spirited, sprightly, whimsical,

  • At the pet store, they joyfully select a playful puppy to join their family.
  • The children giggled at the antics of the playful trickster.
  • My brother can be such a rascal when he's in a playful mood.
  • Let's plan a weekend getaway for some playful adventure!
  • The children's book is filled with playful illustrations that capture the imagination of young readers.
  • They exchanged playful glances across the room, their eyes sparkling with mischief.
  • He surprised us all with his playful rendition of a classic song on the guitar.
  • I admired his ability to maintain a playful sense of curiosity and wonder, even in the face of life's challenges.
  • It's fun to be playful with your pets to keep them happy.
  • The playful kitten swatted at the dangling string.
  • They embraced the playful chaos of the music festival, losing themselves in the rhythm and energy of the crowd.
  • The playful kitten chased after the feather toy.
  • We had a playful game of charades at the family gathering.
  • He was feeling playful, so he started tossing a ball around.
  • They laughed and joked, their playful camaraderie evident to all.
  • She greeted me with a playful wink, hinting at the surprise she had planned.
  • It's important to find time for playful activities to relieve stress.
  • The puppies chased each other around the yard, full of playful energy.
  • We decided to take a break and have a playful game of cards.
  • Children love to be playful with their friends.
  • The novelist's use of playful language and intricate wordplay adds depth to her storytelling, making her works a joy to read.
  • The children's laughter filled the air as they engaged in playful games.
  • Let's have a playful game of tag in the backyard.
  • Despite his serious demeanor in the boardroom, his friends know him for his playful sense of humor outside of work.
  • We found ourselves drawn to the artist's playful reinterpretation of classical motifs, which challenged traditional notions of beauty and form.
  • The playful kitten keeps pouncing on my shoelaces!
  • It's cute how the puppies are so playful with each other.
  • They're so playful when they're together, like little kids.
  • The scientists embarked on a playful exploration of quantum mechanics, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
  • Despite his serious demeanor, there was a playful twinkle in his eyes.
  • She captivated the audience with her playful interpretation of the character, infusing each line with wit and charm.
  • I enjoy being playful with my younger siblings.
  • That playful little squirrel keeps darting around the garden.
  • The artist's playful exploration of different mediums in her latest exhibit showcases her innovative approach to creativity.
  • The cat stretched out lazily before becoming playful with a toy mouse.
  • He approached the problem with a playful ingenuity, devising a solution that was both innovative and effective.
  • The playful teasing between siblings is all part of growing up together.
  • As the chef prepared the gourmet meal, she infused each dish with a playful twist, delighting diners with unexpected flavor combinations.
  • The puppy was playful, running around the yard.
  • She rolled her eyes at his playful teasing, but a smile betrayed her amusement.
  • I love watching playful puppies at the park.
  • We all got into a playful snowball fight during the winter holiday.
  • Their relationship is characterized by playful teasing and affectionate banter.
  • I find her playful attitude refreshing; it brings a sense of lightness to any situation.
  • The novel's tone is playful yet thought-provoking, blending humor with social commentary.
  • My cat's playful antics never fail to make me smile.
  • He approached the task with a lighthearted determination, his unwavering focus tempered by a playful spirit that infused his work with creativity and innovation.
  • I marveled at the playwright's ability to infuse the serious themes of the play with subtle, playful undertones, creating a multi-layered theatrical experience.
  • He couldn't help but join in the playful banter between his colleagues.
  • The children were so playful during recess today.
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