prehistoric in a sentence

Meaning: 1) very ancient or primitive, especially relating to a period before recorded history 2) characteristic of or existing in the time before recorded history or the development of writing systems 3) pertaining to or existing in the era before the written record of human activities 4) belonging to a time in the distant past, especially before the emergence of written history

  • Pottery making is a craft that has roots in prehistoric civilizations.
  • Ancient burial sites provide clues about prehistoric beliefs and rituals.
  • A phenomenological inquiry into prehistoric mortuary practices unveils a rich tapestry of ontological beliefs, societal structures, and commemorative rituals.
  • The integration of geoarchaeological methodologies in prehistoric landscape studies unveils the palimpsestic layers of anthropogenic and environmental interactions.
  • Climate changes had significant impacts on prehistoric life.
  • In prehistoric cultures, communal rituals fostered unity.
  • The epistemic challenges in deciphering prehistoric iconography underscore the need for a semiotic approach in unraveling cultural expressions.
  • The transdisciplinary examination of prehistoric soundscapes delves into the acoustic dimensions of ancient environments, revealing the auditory experiences of past societies.
  • They adapted to changing climates during prehistoric transitions.
  • In prehistoric dwellings, she discovered evidence of early agriculture.
  • Prehistoric art often depicted daily activities.
  • The epistemological rifts between indigenous oral traditions and archaeological reconstructions necessitate a dialogical approach to prehistoric storytelling.
  • The dialectical relationship between prehistoric materiality and immateriality invites a contemplation of the symbolic economy shaping ancient cultural domains.
  • The entanglement of agency and structure in prehistoric social formations necessitates a poststructuralist interrogation of power dynamics.
  • The post-colonial critique of prehistoric narratives underscores the imperative of decolonizing archaeological discourse, acknowledging diverse epistemic traditions.
  • The poststructuralist critique of prehistoric social formations challenges essentialist perspectives, emphasizing the fluidity and contingency of social identities.
  • The deconstructionist lens on prehistoric ritual landscapes challenges the conventional dichotomies between sacred and profane, transcending binary categorizations.
  • She researched prehistoric trade routes connecting distant regions.
  • Animals played a significant role in prehistoric cultures.
  • He discovered a prehistoric cave filled with ancient artifacts.
  • Cave dwellings are indicative of prehistoric shelter practices.
  • The entropic decay of organic remains in prehistoric contexts necessitates an inquiry into the complex interplay of taphonomic processes and diagenetic transformations.
  • Epistemological challenges arise when attempting to reconstruct the socio-cultural dynamics of prehistoric communities devoid of written records.
  • The intersection of prehistoric genetics and bioinformatics facilitates a genomic perspective on population dynamics, migrations, and evolutionary adaptations.
  • He marveled at the complexity of prehistoric toolmaking techniques.
  • Prehistoric artwork often depicted animals and nature.
  • The interplay of subsistence strategies and environmental determinism forms a complex nexus in unraveling prehistoric adaptive trajectories.
  • The palimpsestic nature of prehistoric landscapes demands a meticulous unraveling of geological, ecological, and anthropogenic layers.
  • The socio-cognitive evolution within prehistoric societies can be elucidated through a lens of symbolic interactionism and sociolinguistics.
  • The theoretical landscape of prehistoric agency demands a deconstructionist approach, scrutinizing power structures and the fluidity of individual and collective actions.
  • The ontological turn in prehistoric studies prompts a reevaluation of the ways in which ancient societies conceptualized existence, spirituality, and their relationship with the cosmos.
  • The ontogeny of prehistoric material culture is a fascinating avenue for exploring the socio-cognitive evolution of early human societies.
  • The stratigraphy of archaeological sites provides stratified layers, facilitating a nuanced chronology for the intricate tapestry of prehistoric events.
  • The intersectionality of prehistoric identities requires an exploration of gender archaeology, elucidating the nuanced roles and experiences within ancient societies.
  • He speculated on the reasons for prehistoric cultural diversity.
  • Prehistoric people used natural materials for clothing and shelter.
  • The ethnohistorical contextualization of prehistoric narratives calls for a nuanced understanding of indigenous perspectives in shaping historical trajectories.
  • The posthumanist discourse in prehistoric studies extends beyond anthropocentrism, exploring the agency and significance of non-human actors in shaping past societies.
  • The hermeneutical challenges embedded in deciphering prehistoric mnemonic devices beckon an interdisciplinary engagement with cognitive archaeology and neuroanthropology.
  • Bayesian statistical frameworks have emerged as indispensable tools in refining chronological uncertainties in prehistoric chronologies.
  • Contemporary genetic research has unveiled remarkable insights into the migratory patterns of prehistoric populations through mitochondrial DNA analysis.
  • The epigenetic implications of prehistoric dietary practices contribute to our comprehension of the intricate interconnections between biology and culture.
  • She investigated the significance of prehistoric rock formations.
  • Unearthing lithic assemblages within prehistoric contexts requires discerning technological typologies and their diachronic transformations.
  • The deconstructive analysis of prehistoric technologies examines the intricate interplay between innovation, adaptation, and cultural transmission within ancient communities.
  • Prehistoric humans domesticated animals for various purposes.
  • The discernment of prehistoric cosmologies requires a phenomenological engagement with material culture, ritual spaces, and sacred landscapes.
  • Fossils are important clues for understanding prehistoric life.
  • The application of machine learning algorithms in archaeological data analysis holds promise in discerning patterns within vast prehistoric datasets.
  • Prehistoric trade routes connected distant regions, fostering cultural exchange.
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