reach in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to extend as far as or touch something 2) to arrive at or get to a place or destination 3) to achieve or attain a goal, target, or desired outcome 4) to make contact or communicate with someone or something 5) to come within range or scope of something, such as an idea or understanding 6) to stretch out or extend physically or metaphorically Similar words: access, accomplish, achieve, acquire, attain, contact, gain, obtain, touch,

  • The branch is too high for me to reach.
  • When attempting to reach a consensus in a group discussion, it's essential to listen to all perspectives.
  • When using a ladder, ensure it is fully extended and stable before attempting to reach high places.
  • To reach proficiency in a new language, consistent practice and immersion are key.
  • To reach a broader audience, businesses often utilize social media platforms for marketing purposes.
  • The bird chirped happily from its nest, just out of reach.
  • With a jump, the frog managed to reach the lily pad.
  • Dad helped Timmy reach the cookie jar on the counter.
  • The bus stop was within easy reach of the grocery store.
  • They are expanding the scope of their business to reach international markets.
  • The balloon floated out of reach, carried by the wind.
  • To reach optimal fitness, it's important to maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Climbers are advised to reach the summit early in the day to avoid unpredictable weather conditions.
  • We reach the end of the road.
  • Individuals aiming to reach financial stability should prioritize saving and investing wisely.
  • Tourists are encouraged to reach out to local guides for insider tips on exploring unfamiliar destinations.
  • Tom tried to reach the ball but it rolled away.
  • The little girl stretched her arms to reach the candy.
  • The diameter of the tree trunk is too wide for me to reach around.
  • The bridge helped us reach the other side of the river.
  • To reach maximum productivity, it's beneficial to establish a well-organized workspace and prioritize tasks effectively.
  • Students should reach out to their professors if they have any questions or concerns about course material.
  • The key was just beyond my reach, under the table.
  • Keep going with persistence, and you'll reach your destination.
  • Despite the challenges, we persevered with tenacity, knowing that success was within reach.
  • Despite the tough journey, Maria's toughness helped her reach her goals.
  • Quality control measures ensure the robustness of products before they reach the market.
  • The marathon runner's fortitude allowed her to push through the pain and reach the finish line.
  • Endurance helps you push through challenges and reach your goals.
  • Effective communicators know how to restate ideas to reach different audiences.
  • Effective leadership fosters an environment where employees can thrive and reach their full potential.
  • In the realm of digital media, content creators are constantly seeking ways to expand their audience reach through engaging storytelling and interactive platforms.
  • Our company is looking to expand its market reach by opening new branches.
  • The company decided to expand its reach by opening a new office in a different city.
  • They saw the rascal climbing the tree, trying to reach the bird's nest.
  • Despite the challenges, she faced them with a gleeful determination, knowing that success was within reach.
  • His happy demeanor belied the struggles he had overcome to reach this point in his life.
  • The traffic jam was unexpected, and in light of this, Jessica chose an alternate route to reach her destination on time.
  • The traffic was congested; hence, we opted for a scenic route to reach our destination.
  • Steps on a staircase add up to reach the top floor.
  • Tolerating a missed train, David found another way to reach his destination.
  • The negotiation process involves granting certain concessions to reach a compromise.
  • We navigated through the jumbled traffic, trying to reach our destination on time.
  • They skillfully navigated through the muddled negotiations to reach a diplomatic resolution.
  • To achieve success, remain thankful for the opportunities and resources that come your way, harnessing them to reach your goals and aspirations.
  • In the event that you can't reach me, leave a message and I'll call back.
  • The negotiations between the two companies dragged on for hours, each side unwilling to compromise, provided that they didn't reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • If you keep procrastinating, you'll never reach your goals.
  • They discerned the need for compromise in order to reach a consensus.
  • The outcome of the negotiation is undetermined until both parties reach an agreement.
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