rebuff in a sentence

Meaning: 1) reject bluntly 2) snub or spurn 3) repel or drive back, as an attack or assailant 4) check or put down 5) to refuse bluntly or abruptly

  • He reflected on his actions, wondering if the rebuff was warranted.
  • He acknowledged his mistake and offered a sincere apology after the unintentional rebuff.
  • Entrenched in the competitive art scene, the avant-garde painter weathered the rebuff of traditionalists, forging a path of creative expression that defied convention.
  • We were determined not to let the initial rebuff dampen our spirits.
  • Despite his efforts, he received a cold rebuff from the interview panel.
  • Amid the intricacies of high-stakes negotiation, the skilled mediator adeptly managed to turn a potential rebuff into a stepping stone for mutual understanding.
  • The employee's rebuff of the new policy was met with understanding from colleagues.
  • He faced a social rebuff when his joke did not land well with the group.
  • They deliberated on how to respond to the public rebuff without escalating the situation.
  • Despite the initial rebuff, he persisted in seeking approval for his project.
  • The shy student feared the possibility of a rebuff when approaching others.
  • The seasoned debater, unswayed by rhetorical rebuff, skillfully deconstructed opposing arguments with meticulous logic and eloquence.
  • In the face of adversity, she responded with a resilient rebuff.
  • He anticipated a positive response but was met with an abrupt rebuff.
  • She gave him a stern rebuff when he asked for a second chance.
  • In the scientific community, the researcher faced the inevitable rebuff that accompanies groundbreaking theories, persisting in the pursuit of knowledge despite academic skepticism.
  • In the aftermath of the failed proposal, she pondered the reasons behind the rebuff.
  • The comedian handled the heckler's rebuff with grace and humor.
  • He felt hurt by her rebuff, as he genuinely wanted to be friends.
  • The teacher's rebuff discouraged the student from participating in class.
  • He wondered if his outspoken opinions had contributed to the recent rebuff.
  • Despite their close friendship, he couldn't shake off the sting of her rebuff.
  • Jane gave a polite rebuff to the invitation, citing prior commitments.
  • In the team meeting, she delivered a constructive rebuff to his impractical ideas.
  • Recognizing the nuances of corporate politics, she strategically wielded a rebuff as a means of asserting influence without compromising alliances in the boardroom.
  • In their professional relationship, she navigated the delicate balance of giving a gentle rebuff.
  • Operating within the realm of quantum physics, he faced intellectual rebuff with an unwavering commitment to unraveling the mysteries of the subatomic world.
  • We approached the project with enthusiasm, only to face an unexpected rebuff.
  • Despite his genuine intentions, he received a rebuff from his romantic interest.
  • The artist took the critic's rebuff to heart and reconsidered her approach.
  • The dog's attempt to play with the cat ended in a playful rebuff.
  • The seasoned journalist, accustomed to the occasional rebuff, employed investigative tenacity to uncover the truth hidden beneath layers of obfuscation.
  • Despite the initial rebuff, the persistent salesman eventually made a sale.
  • The entrepreneur experienced a financial rebuff with the failure of his startup.
  • They decided to persevere despite the occasional rebuff in their entrepreneurial journey.
  • In their collaboration, she appreciated the constructive criticism over a blunt rebuff.
  • They discussed strategies to minimize the impact of the inevitable rebuff.
  • The team captain's rebuff motivated the players to prove themselves.
  • The customer felt the salesperson's rebuff was unwarranted and rude.
  • The student's question received a patient rebuff from the teacher.
  • She wrestled with the decision to confront her friend after the social rebuff.
  • We hesitated to approach the challenging task, fearing a rebuff.
  • The team captain's rebuff demoralized the players before the crucial match.
  • The manager's rebuff made the employee hesitant to share ideas in the future.
  • The artist faced a creative rebuff but emerged with a more refined masterpiece.
  • They grappled with the consequences of the diplomatic rebuff.
  • The shy girl's attempts at conversation often resulted in a gentle rebuff.
  • She couldn't understand the reason for the unexpected rebuff from her colleague.
  • The politician faced a public rebuff for his controversial statements.
  • The job applicant faced a disappointing rebuff after the final interview.
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