selective breeding in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a process in which humans choose specific organisms with desirable traits to reproduce, leading to offspring with those desired traits 2) the intentional breeding of plants or animals to produce offspring with particular characteristics or traits 3) the methodical selection and mating of organisms with desired traits in order to perpetuate those traits in future generations Similar words: artificial selection, genetic manipulation, controlled breeding,

  • Controlled reproduction allows for selective breeding of desirable traits.
  • She wants to study selective breeding in college.
  • Selective breeding helps breeders create animals with desirable traits, like intelligence or friendliness.
  • They were amazed by the results achieved through selective breeding in their orchard.
  • Selective breeding has revolutionized agricultural practices worldwide.
  • Dogs like pugs are the result of selective breeding.
  • They believe selective breeding is essential for agriculture.
  • Selective breeding helps make fruits sweeter and juicier.
  • We decided to implement selective breeding techniques on our family farm to enhance crop quality.
  • The process of selective breeding involves meticulous trait selection.
  • Selective breeding improves the quality of meat in livestock.
  • Selective breeding creates unique varieties of vegetables.
  • The documentary highlighted the impact of selective breeding on the evolution of agricultural practices.
  • I have always been fascinated by the concept of selective breeding and its impact on agriculture.
  • Selective breeding is a way to choose the best traits in animals.
  • Ethical considerations arise in the practice of selective breeding, particularly regarding animal welfare.
  • Breeders use selective breeding to develop breeds with specific characteristics.
  • Selective breeding in livestock aims to improve meat quality and quantity.
  • Selective breeding plays a crucial role in the preservation of endangered species.
  • My uncle's farm practices selective breeding to produce the best-tasting fruits and vegetables.
  • I remember my grandfather telling me stories about the early days of selective breeding on our farm.
  • I have conducted extensive research on the genetic mechanisms underlying selective breeding in aquatic species, shedding light on novel strategies for aquaculture improvement.
  • Selective breeding makes plants grow faster and stronger.
  • The history of selective breeding dates back to ancient civilizations.
  • He believes that selective breeding is the key to addressing food security challenges.
  • They use selective breeding to produce better crops.
  • My brother says selective breeding is like magic.
  • My dad says selective breeding helps improve our food supply.
  • He thinks selective breeding is fascinating.
  • Selective breeding has both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity.
  • Selective breeding methodologies have spurred significant advancements in the agricultural sector, contributing to increased crop yields and improved food quality.
  • They are advocating for the implementation of ethical guidelines to govern selective breeding practices and ensure the welfare of animals involved.
  • He has devoted his career to unraveling the complexities of selective breeding in plants, pioneering innovative techniques for crop enhancement.
  • Selective breeding of flowers has given rise to stunning varieties with vibrant colors.
  • The farmer explained selective breeding to us.
  • She eagerly attended seminars and workshops to learn more about the latest developments in selective breeding.
  • My neighbor breeds chickens using selective breeding methods.
  • Selective breeding allows farmers to develop crops that require fewer pesticides and fertilizers.
  • It was evident that selective breeding had greatly improved the efficiency of their dairy operation.
  • Cutting-edge technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 are revolutionizing the landscape of selective breeding, offering unprecedented precision and efficiency.
  • We are collaborating on a groundbreaking project that integrates genomic analysis with selective breeding to accelerate trait selection in livestock.
  • My grandma talks about how selective breeding changed farming.
  • Selective breeding is like choosing the best features in pets.
  • I learned about selective breeding in school.
  • Selective breeding has transformed the poultry industry, leading to faster-growing and more resilient chickens.
  • As consumers become more conscious of the origin and production methods of their food, the role of selective breeding in shaping agricultural sustainability is under greater scrutiny.
  • She has analyzed the economic implications of selective breeding programs, emphasizing the need for sustainable agricultural policies to support long-term food security.
  • Selective breeding can lead to healthier and more productive plants and animals.
  • Selective breeding programs aim to enhance crop yields and quality.
  • They were proud to be part of a community that prioritized sustainable agriculture through selective breeding.
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