soil in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic substances, clay, and rock particles 2) country; land 3) make dirty 4) feed (livestock) with silage Similar words: ground, humus, loam, silt, substrate, terrain,

  • To plant a flower, dig a small hole in the soil, place the seedling or seed in the hole, cover it with soil, and water it regularly.
  • The robustness of the tree roots prevented soil erosion.
  • Home gardeners should collect information on soil conditions for optimal plant growth.
  • To grow a thriving garden, consider factors such as soil quality, sunlight, and proper watering techniques.
  • Farmers designate crop rotation to maintain soil fertility.
  • The garden soil is a mixture of sand, clay, and compost.
  • It's always exciting to see the first sprouts peeking out of the soil in the spring.
  • It felt like a miracle when we saw the sprouts bursting forth from the barren soil.
  • He championed the practice of no-till farming, allowing seeds to sprout in undisturbed soil, thereby enhancing soil health and biodiversity.
  • To start a vegetable garden, prepare soil, plant seeds, and monitor sprout growth.
  • Can you see the sprout coming out of the soil?
  • The little seed thrives in the rich soil.
  • I promoted the use of cover crops to enrich soil fertility and encourage the sprouting of beneficial microorganisms.
  • In spring, tiny green sprouts emerge from the soil, signaling the start of new life.
  • Anna dug. Soil shifted. Sprouts broke through.
  • Rain fell. Soil stirred. Sprouts emerged.
  • He was amazed at how quickly the seeds sprouted in the warm soil.
  • Look at the green sprout poking out of the soil!
  • Sally carefully placed the seeds in the soil, hoping they would sprout soon.
  • When planting a garden, choose plants that are suitable for your climate and soil type to ensure they thrive.
  • To grow wheatgrass, soak seeds, plant in soil, and wait for green sprouts.
  • Once seeds germinate, they rely on sunlight and nutrients from the soil to continue growing.
  • Remember to keep the soil moist for the seeds to germinate properly.
  • The seeds began to germinate after being exposed to the warmth and moisture of the soil.
  • Seeds need water and soil to germinate.
  • The instructions say to cover the seeds lightly with soil to help them germinate.
  • It's important to monitor the soil temperature closely, as it can greatly affect the speed at which seeds germinate.
  • Lily planted the seeds in the rich soil, hoping they would germinate soon.
  • Proper soil preparation is essential for ensuring successful germination.
  • Proper soil preparation is essential to ensure successful germination of seeds.
  • The instructions said to keep the soil moist to help the seeds germinate.
  • I read that adding compost to the soil can improve germination rates.
  • Farmers need good soil to help crops develop properly.
  • Proper soil conditions are essential for the seeds to germinate.
  • The farmer checked the soil temperature to ensure optimal conditions for germination.
  • He planted the corn kernel in the soil.
  • Add fertilizer to the soil for this purpose.
  • Steps on a journey add up to reacSeeds in the soil add up to grow into plants.
  • Gardeners frequently endorse the use of compost to enrich soil and promote plant growth.
  • We should test the soil to see if it needs any amendments before planting.
  • The children made mud pies with the wet soil.
  • Farmers rotate crops to maintain soil health and prevent depletion.
  • Mulching can help regulate soil temperature and moisture levels.
  • I like playing in the soil.
  • Worms live in the soil.
  • She planted flowers in the soil yesterday.
  • Soil gets muddy when it rains.
  • The researchers found evidence of soil contamination in the area.
  • We need to water the soil so the plants can grow.
  • The cat likes to dig in the soil in the backyard.
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