spread in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to extend over a larger area or to a wider audience, covering a surface or reaching out in multiple directions 2) to distribute or scatter something widely, such as spreading butter on bread or spreading rumors 3) to be widely distributed or become prevalent, as in the spread of a disease or the spread of a cultural trend 4) the act or process of spreading, or the extent to which something is spread 5) a soft mixture or paste that can be spread on bread or other foods, like butter or jam 6) a wide range or variety of something, often used in the context of choices or options available Similar words: broadcast, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, expand, extend, proliferate, promulgate, propagate, radiate, scatter, sow, splay, stretch, transmit, ventilate,

  • I tirelessly spread awareness about the urgent need for sustainable practices to preserve our planet.
  • The organization works to spread literacy in underprivileged communities.
  • The smell of freshly baked cookies spread throughout the house.
  • The news about the accident spread quickly in the small town.
  • They spread their political beliefs passionately, engaging in heated debates with friends and colleagues.
  • Can you spread the word about the party to everyone?
  • The wildfire began to spread uncontrollably due to strong winds.
  • The wildfire continued to spread despite firefighters' efforts to contain it.
  • The stain started to spread across the fabric.
  • I spread jam on my sandwich for lunch.
  • False information can spread rapidly online if not fact-checked.
  • She spread the peanut butter evenly on the bread.
  • She spread her wings and embarked on a solo journey around the world, seeking adventure and self-discovery.
  • Social media has made it easier for information to spread quickly.
  • The movement aims to spread awareness about mental health issues.
  • The flu virus can spread easily in crowded places.
  • The virus can spread through coughing and sneezing.
  • We spread the picnic blanket under the shade of the tree.
  • The aroma of spices spread tantalizingly from the kitchen as she prepared her signature curry dish.
  • I spread some mayo on my sandwich before adding the lettuce.
  • The news of the promotion quickly spread throughout the office.
  • The rumor began to spread like wildfire.
  • They meticulously spread the word about their groundbreaking research findings, revolutionizing the scientific community.
  • We spread out our tasks evenly among the team to ensure efficiency.
  • He strategically spread misinformation to sway public opinion in his favor.
  • They spread the word about the charity event through social media.
  • The restaurant's reputation for delicious food quickly spread among locals.
  • Could you spread the news about the meeting to the team?
  • The disease can spread rapidly if proper hygiene measures are not followed.
  • We spread out the picnic blanket under the shade of a towering oak tree.
  • They spread the picnic food out on the grass for everyone to enjoy.
  • We must collectively spread empathy and understanding to bridge the divides that separate us.
  • Let's spread the tablecloth before dinner.
  • She spread the map out on the table to plan our route.
  • He spread the cards out on the table for the game.
  • I spread peanut butter on one slice of bread and jelly on the other.
  • They spread awareness about the importance of recycling in their neighborhood.
  • We spread the word about the upcoming concert among our friends.
  • She deftly spread the fragrant marinade over the succulent cuts of meat, preparing them for grilling.
  • We spread out the cards on the table to pick our hands for the game.
  • He spread his arms wide to give his friend a big hug.
  • The fire started to spread rapidly through the dry forest.
  • The rumor about the new store opening spread quickly in the neighborhood.
  • They spread out the picnic food on the table for everyone to enjoy.
  • We spread our investments across various sectors to mitigate risk in our portfolio.
  • They spread rumors about their classmates, causing unnecessary drama.
  • I spread a thin layer of sunscreen on my skin before going out in the sun.
  • He spread his influence in the art world through strategic collaborations and innovative projects.
  • The smell of freshly baked bread spread through the kitchen.
  • They spread the news of their engagement joyfully to friends and family.
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