stain in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to mark or discolour with spots or patches of dirt or another substance 2) a discolouration that spoils the appearance of something 3) a patch of a different colour or texture from its surroundings, generally caused by something being spilled or smeared on it 4) a moral blemish or flaw, especially on one's character or reputation Similar words: blemish, blot, defilement, discoloration, mark, smudge, spot, taint, tarnish,

  • The stain started to spread across the fabric.
  • His unprincipled actions left a stain on his reputation.
  • The miscreant's reprehensible behavior left a stain on his reputation.
  • I can't wear my favorite shirt because of this stain.
  • Therefore, I spilled coffee on my shirt; I wore a sweater to hide the stain.
  • She detected a stain on the shirt.
  • He conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the efficacy of various enzyme-based cleaners on the protein stain embedded in the upholstery.
  • We decided to use a homemade remedy to tackle the wine stain on the upholstery.
  • We resorted to using a steam cleaner to extract the embedded wine stain from the plush carpet, acknowledging its efficacy in such situations.
  • I scrubbed and scrubbed, but I can't get rid of this grease stain.
  • I spilled juice and made a stain on the tablecloth.
  • We collectively decided to hire a professional cleaner to tackle the stubborn wine stain on the upholstery.
  • I meticulously scrubbed at the pasta sauce stain on the kitchen counter, determined to make it disappear.
  • I sprayed stain remover on the grass stain on my son's jeans before washing them.
  • The stain won't come out of my shirt.
  • We used lemon juice to lighten the tomato sauce stain on the tablecloth.
  • This pen leaked and made a stain on my notebook.
  • She employed an enzymatic cleaner to combat the protein-based stain on her silk blouse, cognizant of its delicate nature.
  • I hate it when there's a stubborn stain on the dishes.
  • I recommended using a specialized detergent to combat the oil stain on the driveway.
  • They debated whether to use bleach to tackle the mildew stain in the bathroom.
  • She furiously scrubbed at the lipstick stain on her favorite white blouse.
  • He accidentally stepped on the wet paint, leaving a stain on the floor.
  • Despite numerous attempts, she couldn't completely eradicate the stubborn coffee stain from her favorite blouse.
  • We were relieved to discover that the carpet cleaner was able to remove the pet urine stain.
  • The mud left a stain on my shoes.
  • They debated whether to use bleach or a color-safe stain remover on the stubborn coffee stain on the tablecloth.
  • I tried to wipe it off, but now there's just a smudge and a stain.
  • We used a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to lift the blood stain from the carpet.
  • She carefully dabbed at the sauce stain on the tablecloth, hoping not to spread it further.
  • He discovered a mysterious ink stain on his desk and wondered how it got there.
  • We unanimously agreed to use a natural remedy to remove the grass stain from our son's soccer uniform.
  • Can you pass me the stain remover? I need to clean up a spill.
  • I spilled juice on the tablecloth and made a stain.
  • They noticed a stain on the wall after moving the furniture.
  • We collaborated with a team of forensic scientists to identify the substance responsible for the peculiar stain found at the crime scene.
  • Mom's going to be mad if she sees the spaghetti sauce stain on the tablecloth.
  • The baby's spaghetti ended up creating a big stain on his clothes.
  • They were astonished to find an old blood stain on the floorboards during renovations.
  • I diligently researched online for tips on removing the stubborn tea stain from the carpet.
  • He sheepishly admitted to causing the chocolate stain on the couch during the movie night.
  • They consulted with a textile restoration expert to devise a specialized treatment plan for the antique rug's stubborn ink stain.
  • I accidentally got paint on the floor, and now there's a huge stain.
  • Did you see the grease stain on the pizza box? It leaked through.
  • He used a stain remover pen to tackle the red wine stain on his tie.
  • They applied vinegar to the sweat stain on their gym clothes before washing.
  • I need to clean the stain off the kitchen counter.
  • There's a big stain on the floor from the spilled coffee.
  • I spilled wine on the carpet and now there's a big stain.
  • She meticulously analyzed the chemical composition of the stain to determine the most effective solvent for its removal.
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