successor in a sentence

Meaning: 1) absence of something needed, desirable, or essential 2) to be without something required or essential 3) to be deficient or missing in a particular quality or attribute 4) to experience a shortage or deficiency 5) to be in need of or not have enough of something 6) to fall short or be insufficient in quantity or degree

  • The retiring professor has mentored his successor for several years.
  • She is eager to take on the role of successor and contribute to the company's growth.
  • The retiring CEO has provided valuable insights to guide the successor.
  • It is essential for the board to communicate the selection criteria for the successor.
  • She has been working closely with the current leader, learning the ropes as the successor.
  • The board's decision to appoint an internal candidate as the successor underscores their commitment to fostering a culture of talent development within the company.
  • The team is optimistic about his ability to be a successful successor.
  • She has a strong track record that positions her as a natural successor.
  • A successor is chosen to carry on the legacy of the outgoing leader.
  • Every king needs to have a successor to ensure the kingdom's future.
  • He is tasked with ensuring a smooth handover between the outgoing leader and the successor.
  • We are optimistic about the positive impact the new successor will have on the team.
  • As the outgoing executive imparts institutional knowledge to the successor, a seamless knowledge transfer becomes imperative for maintaining operational continuity.
  • The company is preparing a smooth transition for the incoming successor.
  • The president's successor will face many challenges in the coming years.
  • The successor, equipped with a multidisciplinary skill set, is poised to address not only present challenges but also to anticipate and mitigate potential future disruptions in the industry.
  • In the interview, he discussed his vision for the company as the potential successor.
  • We are currently in the process of training the successor for the upcoming challenges.
  • They are confident that the successor will bring fresh ideas to the organization.
  • They have selected a promising candidate to be the successor.
  • The team is optimistic about the skills and vision of their new successor.
  • The successor's journey begins with understanding the history and traditions of the organization.
  • The success of the company depends on the competence of the chosen successor.
  • The company is actively searching for a suitable successor to lead the team.
  • We believe that a well-trained successor is essential for the team's success.
  • A comprehensive leadership assessment framework is essential to gauge the successor's capacity to innovate, strategize, and effectively steer the organization through dynamic market landscapes.
  • The successor is responsible for continuing the work of the previous leader.
  • In the coming months, we will witness the successor's strategic vision in action.
  • The successor has big shoes to fill after the departure of the legendary coach.
  • The successor's ability to navigate the complexities of global markets and emerging technologies will be a key determinant of the organization's sustained success.
  • The selection of a successor is a careful process that involves consideration of various factors.
  • The training program aims to prepare the successor for leadership challenges.
  • The intricacies of selecting an apt successor involve a nuanced understanding of the organization's strategic objectives and long-term goals.
  • The new leader is called the successor.
  • After the retirement of the manager, the company appointed a successor.
  • The role of a successor involves learning from the experiences of the previous leader.
  • The employees are eager to know who the successor will be.
  • The successor will need to adapt to the company's culture and values.
  • The team is looking forward to collaborating with the new successor.
  • In times of change, identifying a strong successor is crucial for continuity.
  • The board acknowledges the contributions of the outgoing leader and welcomes the successor.
  • The mentor is proud to see his successor taking on new responsibilities.
  • The board's foresight in implementing a mentorship program for the successor reflects a strategic approach to succession planning, ensuring a seamless transition at the executive level.
  • We are excited to see how the successor will shape the future of the organization.
  • The successor's success will hinge not only on their individual prowess but also on their ability to cultivate collaborative relationships, both internally and externally, in a dynamic business ecosystem.
  • The successor will be announced at the end of the month.
  • They are considering external candidates to ensure a diverse pool for the successor role.
  • The board has entrusted her with the responsibility of being the successor.
  • It is important for us to support the new successor in their transition.
  • They are actively involved in the search for the next successor.
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