succor in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to give assistance or support in a time of difficulty or distress 2) relief or aid provided in a time of need 3) a person or thing that gives help or relief

  • Visiting a spa for a relaxing massage is a luxurious form of physical succor.
  • The therapeutic efficacy of mindfulness meditation lies in its ability to provide succor by fostering a profound awareness of one's own thoughts and emotions.
  • The avant-garde artist's work transcended conventional boundaries, offering viewers a visual succor that challenged preconceived notions of art.
  • The nuanced symphony of emotions depicted in the film served as a profound succor to those appreciating the complexities of human experience.
  • Joining a support group can offer emotional succor during difficult times.
  • Planting flowers in the garden can be a therapeutic form of natural succor.
  • Acts of charity and philanthropy aim to provide succor to those in need.
  • Seeking advice from a counselor can be instrumental in finding succor for mental health struggles.
  • When feeling overwhelmed, seeking succor from loved ones can be reassuring.
  • Taking a break from work and going for a walk can offer mental succor.
  • After the natural disaster, humanitarian organizations rushed to provide succor to the affected communities.
  • A heartfelt hug from a friend can be an instant and genuine form of succor.
  • Writing down your thoughts and feelings serves as a form of personal succor.
  • In times of trouble, friends often provide succor.
  • Music has a unique way of offering succor when words fall short.
  • During the pandemic, neighbors extended succor to each other through acts of kindness.
  • During a tough project, the encouragement of a mentor serves as valuable succor.
  • Engaging in philosophical discourse can offer intellectual succor, providing profound insights into the nature of existence.
  • A handwritten note expressing support can be a touching form of succor.
  • Engaging in creative activities, such as painting or writing, can be a cathartic form of succor.
  • In illness, the support of family and friends serves as a vital source of succor.
  • Trying out new recipes in the kitchen can be a delicious form of culinary succor.
  • If you're feeling down, a walk in nature can provide some much-needed succor.
  • Kind words and encouragement serve as a form of succor during difficult times.
  • A weekend getaway offers a temporary escape and much-needed succor.
  • The polymath's erudite writings not only disseminated knowledge but also served as succor for intellectual curiosity across disciplines.
  • Setting personal goals and achieving them provides a sense of accomplishment and succor.
  • The self-help group was formed to provide mutual succor for individuals overcoming addiction.
  • Attending a live performance can be a cultural succor for the soul.
  • Local businesses contributed to the fundraising efforts to provide succor to the disaster-stricken area.
  • Cooking a favorite meal can be a source of culinary succor and comfort.
  • Seeking professional help is a crucial step in finding succor for mental health issues.
  • The community came together to offer succor to those facing financial hardship.
  • When life gets tough, a good friend's advice can be a real succor.
  • In the realm of quantum physics, the search for a unified theory remains an intellectual pursuit that promises succor to our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality.
  • The philanthropist's multimillion-dollar endowment provided succor to a myriad of charitable causes, from healthcare initiatives to educational reforms.
  • Families affected by the fire sought succor in temporary shelters.
  • The shared laughter among family members is a cherished form of familial succor.
  • During the blackout, neighbors offered succor by sharing resources and information.
  • A well-organized workspace can bring succor to a busy workday.
  • The support hotline offers succor to individuals dealing with emotional distress.
  • A good night's sleep is essential for physical and mental succor.
  • The church has a long history of providing succor to the needy.
  • The therapist's role is to provide succor to individuals navigating mental health challenges.
  • Getting through a breakup is never easy, but time often brings succor.
  • Struggling students can find succor in the guidance of patient and supportive teachers.
  • Yoga and meditation provide mental succor and help manage stress.
  • During a storm, the rescue team arrived to succor the stranded residents.
  • The support group offers succor to individuals coping with similar challenges.
  • A comforting word or a kind gesture can be a simple form of succor.
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