synopsize in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to summarize or condense a text, movie, or other piece of information, typically by providing a brief overview or abstract of its main points or content 2) to give a concise account or synopsis of something, often reducing its length or complexity while retaining its essential meaning Similar words: abbreviate, abstract, capsulize, compend, condense, digest, outline, recap, recapitulate, recapitulation, review, summarize,

  • Can you synopsize the movie for me? I want to know if it's worth watching.
  • They were able to synopsize the geopolitical complexities of the situation with remarkable precision.
  • I need you to synopsize that article about healthy eating; I don't have time to read the whole thing.
  • In casual conversations, it's useful to be able to synopsize a book you've recently read.
  • They requested me to synopsize the report for the team.
  • Before the meeting, let's synopsize our project updates to keep it concise.
  • As an author, I try to synopsize the essence of my characters in the first few chapters.
  • The teacher asked us to synopsize the chapter.
  • He tends to synopsize complex topics for better understanding.
  • She often has to synopsize lengthy research papers for her job in scientific journalism.
  • Please synopsize the story for me.
  • The task was to synopsize the complex legal document into a more accessible summary.
  • Let me synopsize what happened yesterday.
  • I find it challenging to synopsize such a complex scientific paper in just a few sentences.
  • I asked my friend to synopsize the latest episode of the TV series since I missed it.
  • Could you please synopsize the main plot of the novel for me?
  • I don't have much time; can you just synopsize the main points?
  • It is crucial that they can synopsize complex treaties to ensure mutual understanding among diverse stakeholders.
  • He managed to synopsize the complicated coding tutorial in a way that even beginners could understand.
  • Synopsize this movie before we watch it.
  • Can you give me a brief overview of the presentation? I need to synopsize it.
  • In order to save time, the editor requested the writer to synopsize the article for a brief overview.
  • I need to write a report on this book, but I don't have much time to read it. Can you synopsize it for me?
  • He could effortlessly synopsize the intricate financial data, providing key insights for strategic decision-making.
  • It's important for us to synopsize the document before discussing it.
  • I need to write a short summary. Can you synopsize this for me?
  • They were asked to synopsize the historical events in preparation for the upcoming exam.
  • I should synopsize the project details for the meeting.
  • As a journalist, it's important to be able to synopsize news stories quickly for efficient reporting.
  • It's important that I synopsize my argument clearly in the essay introduction.
  • I'll synopsize the main points of the meeting for you.
  • She always struggles to synopsize lengthy articles.
  • We were all asked to synopsize our favorite novels as part of the book club discussion.
  • Can you help me synopsize the information from the presentation?
  • We had to synopsize the groundbreaking discoveries into a concise yet comprehensive scientific paper.
  • It's important to be able to synopsize complex ideas.
  • The documentary aimed to synopsize the entire history of space exploration in under two hours.
  • We often synopsize important emails to save time.
  • Through years of journalistic experience, they developed the ability to synopsize breaking news stories with accuracy and speed.
  • When discussing news articles with friends, it's helpful to synopsize the main points rather than going into too much detail.
  • They struggled to synopsize the complex plot twists of the mystery novel during their book review.
  • What's the gist of the story? Can you give me a synopsize?
  • He asked me to synopsize the key points of the conversation.
  • In class, I always struggle to synopsize long lectures; there's just so much information to condense.
  • Before the meeting, could you synopsize the main topics we'll discuss?
  • Trying to synopsize the complicated instructions on assembling furniture can be quite frustrating.
  • Before watching the movie, I like to synopsize the plot to get a sense of what to expect.
  • The team decided to synopsize their findings in a brief presentation for the upcoming conference.
  • We often underestimate the ability to synopsize vast scientific research, condensing years of study into accessible summaries for policymakers.
  • At work, we have to synopsize our monthly reports to present the key findings to the team.
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