time span in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a period during which an action, process, or condition exists or takes place 2) the length of time between two specified events or occurrences Similar words: duration, interval, period,

  • She, as a historian, painstakingly examined historical records to determine the time span exactly between significant events.
  • We devised a comprehensive strategy to mitigate delays and ensure the time span aligns with project timelines.
  • He led a workshop on time management, emphasizing effective techniques to control and manipulate time span for improved productivity.
  • They implemented a project management tool to track the time span precisely and enhance team efficiency.
  • Can you extend the time span for returning the library books? I need a few more days.
  • I engaged in continuous professional development, acquiring skills to better estimate the time span for complex tasks.
  • They are unsure about the time span for completing the construction project.
  • I'll be back in a short time span; just grabbing some groceries.
  • The time span between waking up and having my first cup of coffee is crucial for me.
  • He's struggling with the time span between submitting his resume and receiving interview callbacks.
  • She suggested a reasonable time span for completing the market research.
  • I try to limit the time span I spend on social media to stay productive.
  • Let's plan the meeting within a reasonable time span that suits everyone's schedule.
  • I don't have a lot of free time span in my schedule today.
  • We should consider the time span for the journey before planning our trip.
  • He demonstrated a keen understanding of resource allocation, optimizing the time span for various tasks in the project.
  • I appreciate your ability to handle tasks within a tight time span.
  • He ingeniously devised a methodology to compress the time span required for data processing in the research project.
  • They are negotiating the time span for the contract to ensure mutual satisfaction.
  • Please be aware of the time span when making phone calls to different time zones.
  • The time span between ordering food and its delivery is getting shorter with these new services.
  • We are grateful for the extended time span granted for the project deadline.
  • She's been consistently improving her running time span over the past few months.
  • Can you tell me the time span of the movie we're watching tonight?
  • They're adjusting the schedule to accommodate the time span needed for equipment maintenance.
  • They are excited about the time span allocated for the group activity.
  • They implemented a cutting-edge time-tracking system that allowed them to monitor project milestones and deadlines with time span exactly measured.
  • I'm meeting with the team to discuss the time span for implementing the new software.
  • He often underestimates the time span required for household chores.
  • We, as a team of physicists, strived to measure the time span exactly in our experiments, refining our understanding of fundamental principles in quantum mechanics.
  • We, as engineers, calibrated the equipment to record the time span exactly, ensuring accuracy in our data collection process.
  • I enjoy gardening, but the unpredictable weather often affects the time span for planting.
  • The time span for completing the assignment is one week.
  • A time span can be short, like a minute, or long, like a day.
  • She conducted a feasibility study to estimate the time span accurately for launching the new product.
  • I, having immersed myself in the subject, penned an article exploring the theoretical frameworks influencing perceptions of time span in literature and philosophy.
  • They utilized state-of-the-art technology to synchronize clocks and measure the time span exactly, enhancing the reliability of their experiments.
  • She believes that adjusting the time span for breaks can enhance productivity.
  • The time span it takes to travel from home to work varies for everyone.
  • We initiated a cross-functional collaboration to streamline processes and reduce the time span for customer query resolution.
  • Despite its challenges, he successfully managed the time span allotted for the project.
  • She is considering a career change to improve the overall time span of job satisfaction.
  • She is concerned about the short time span available for exam preparation.
  • He developed a novel algorithm capable of predicting future events with a time span exactly calculated, revolutionizing predictive analytics.
  • They debated the time span required to implement the new company policies.
  • He's adjusting his workout routine to maximize the time span he spends at the gym.
  • She demonstrated her proficiency by completing the project in a timely time span.
  • In his philosophical discourse, he delved into the existential concept of time span and its impact on human consciousness.
  • We should assess the time span between product launches to optimize marketing strategies.
  • The time span for waiting at the bus stop felt longer than usual today.
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