torrid in a sentence

Meaning: 1) intensely hot or burning 2) passionate or ardent, often in the context of emotions or feelings 3) characterized by intense fervor, zeal, or enthusiasm 4) sexually passionate or lustful 5) causing discomfort or suffering, often in a figurative sense

  • In the torrid aftermath, he tried to mend the broken relationship.
  • I felt torrid waves of heat while standing near the bonfire.
  • We embarked on a torrid journey through the heart of the jungle.
  • The torrid affair between the characters added drama to the storyline.
  • The torrid romance novel kept me engrossed till the last page.
  • The torrid sand burned our feet as we walked on the beach.
  • In the torrid debate, he defended his position passionately.
  • The torrid symphony, with its intricate harmonies, captivated the discerning ears of the audience.
  • The torrid summer night made it hard to sleep without air conditioning.
  • We experienced a torrid clash of cultures during our travels.
  • She confronted a torrid betrayal that shattered her trust.
  • The torrid flames engulfed the old wooden house.
  • He faced a torrid dilemma, torn between duty and desire.
  • The torrid scientific debate centered around the elusive nature of dark matter in the cosmos.
  • She navigated through the torrid waters with skill and determination.
  • We encountered a torrid gust of wind on the open plain.
  • The torrid colors of the sunset painted the sky in shades of red and orange.
  • The torrid passion between them was evident in their lingering glances.
  • The torrid cup of coffee warmed my hands on the cold morning.
  • The torrid air in the sauna made it difficult to breathe.
  • She faced a torrid decision that would impact her future.
  • They decided to cool off in the pool after the torrid hike.
  • They navigated the torrid intricacies of international diplomacy with finesse and tact.
  • We sought refuge from the torrid weather in the air-conditioned room.
  • She approached the torrid legal case with a meticulous analysis of precedent and jurisprudence.
  • Despite the torrid arguments, we remained friends in the end.
  • The torrid winds carried the scent of flowers from the garden.
  • His torrid confession of love caught her by surprise.
  • We were caught in a torrid downpour during our camping trip.
  • He admitted to having torrid feelings for his best friend's sister.
  • The torrid research paper presented a groundbreaking methodology that revolutionized the field.
  • Despite the torrid conditions, the team continued to play with determination.
  • The torrid spices in the dish left a fiery sensation on my tongue.
  • We decided to postpone the outdoor event due to the torrid weather forecast.
  • In the torrid desert, he could feel the scorching sun on his skin.
  • The torrid sun scorched the desert landscape.
  • In the torrid affair, he grappled with conflicting emotions.
  • The torrid summer day made everyone seek shade.
  • He reflected on the torrid events that shaped his life.
  • The torrid atmosphere of the crowded room made it uncomfortable.
  • The torrid gaze of the detective hinted at a deeper investigation.
  • The torrid asphalt heated up quickly under the blazing sun.
  • She found herself in a torrid love affair that consumed her thoughts.
  • The torrid metal surface was too hot to touch.
  • The torrid argument ended with a stormy exit.
  • In the midst of the torrid economic downturn, they devised innovative strategies for recovery.
  • They enjoyed a torrid night of dancing and laughter.
  • Sweat poured down my face in the torrid gym.
  • The torrid pace of the dance left them breathless.
  • The torrid negotiations between the nations left little room for diplomatic niceties.
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