uncertain in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not able to be relied on; not definite or known for sure 2) not clearly determined or established; lacking clarity or resolution 3) subject to change; variable or fluctuating in nature 4) not confident or sure about something; hesitant or doubtful Similar words: ambiguous, doubtful, hesitant, indeterminate, insecure, tentative, unpredictable, unsure, variable,

  • She's uncertain about the scope of her duties as a volunteer.
  • We're uncertain about the extent to which we can rely on their support.
  • I find the robustness of my new insurance policy reassuring in uncertain times.
  • He relies on his adaptability to thrive in uncertain situations.
  • They were uncertain if the tight budget was permitting them to splurge on a fancy dinner for their anniversary.
  • The timeline for the project was vague and uncertain.
  • I'm uncertain about the unspecified requirements for the job.
  • I'm uncertain about what to do next.
  • I'm feeling uncertain about the outcome of the upcoming exam despite studying hard.
  • He seems uncertain about his new job.
  • We're uncertain about which restaurant to choose for dinner tonight.
  • She seems uncertain about whether to confront her friend about the misunderstanding.
  • He's uncertain if he should buy the blue or the green shirt.
  • I'm feeling uncertain about my decision to move to a new city.
  • She's uncertain if she should ask him out on a date.
  • She's uncertain about which university to apply to for her postgraduate studies.
  • The outcome of the job interview is uncertain, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  • The outcome of the game is uncertain.
  • The political climate is increasingly uncertain, leading to speculation about potential outcomes.
  • I'm uncertain about how to solve this math problem.
  • Uncertain about his career path, he sought guidance from a career counselor.
  • I'm feeling uncertain about my relationship; its future is undetermined.
  • We forged ahead despite the uncertain political climate, believing in the power of collective action to enact change.
  • Despite the uncertain outcome, they decided to proceed with the experiment.
  • The Wi-Fi connection is uncertain in this area.
  • Can you clarify your instructions? I'm a little uncertain about what you want me to do.
  • I'm feeling a bit uncertain about which movie to watch tonight.
  • We're uncertain if the store will still be open when we get there.
  • He appears uncertain about the direction his career is taking.
  • I'm uncertain about whether to accept the job offer or wait for other opportunities.
  • He grappled with the uncertain implications of the new technology, weighing its potential benefits against its ethical concerns.
  • She found herself caught in the midst of an uncertain dilemma, torn between loyalty to her family and following her own aspirations.
  • The project timeline became uncertain due to unforeseen delays in procurement.
  • The directions to the party are a bit uncertain, could you send them again?
  • They appear uncertain about which car to buy.
  • Her facial expression betrayed her inner turmoil, reflecting her uncertain feelings.
  • She seems uncertain about whether to trust him or not.
  • We're uncertain about what to do for our anniversary celebration this year.
  • He's uncertain about how to start his homework.
  • We're still uncertain about where to go on vacation; our destination is undetermined.
  • He's uncertain whether he should invest in stocks or real estate.
  • I'm uncertain if I locked the door.
  • The uncertain geopolitical climate has led many investors to diversify their portfolios.
  • We're uncertain if we should cancel the picnic due to the cloudy weather forecast.
  • I feel uncertain about what to wear to the party.
  • They provided an ambiguous explanation for the delay, leaving us feeling frustrated and uncertain.
  • He seems uncertain about where to go on vacation.
  • They grapple with the unpredictable nature of geopolitical tensions, striving to maintain stability in an uncertain world.
  • They're uncertain about which college to choose for their higher education.
  • The future is uncertain, but we can prepare.
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