unethical in a sentence

Meaning: 1) lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper conduct or standards 2) contrary to accepted standards of behavior, especially in a particular profession or group 3) characterized by deceit or dishonesty, especially in regard to personal gain 4) violating principles of fairness or justice, often resulting in harm to others 5) not conforming to ethical codes or standards established by society or an authority figure Similar words: amoral, blameworthy, condemnable, corrupt, deceitful, dishonorable, immoral, improper, reprehensible, unacceptable, unconscionable, unfair, unjust, unlawful, unprincipled, unrighteous, unscrupulous, wrongful,

  • It's widely known that plagiarism is unethical in academic settings.
  • Bribery and corruption are considered unethical and are punishable by law in many countries.
  • Selling expired products is unethical and dangerous.
  • Many argue that using animals for cosmetic testing is inherently unethical, given the availability of alternative methods.
  • She believes it's unethical to shop at stores known for exploiting workers in developing countries.
  • It's unethical to break promises you made.
  • Copying someone's work without permission is unethical.
  • Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing unethical practices within organizations.
  • They decided it was unethical to continue supporting a company with a history of environmental violations.
  • Sharing someone's private information without their consent is unethical and a breach of trust.
  • Engaging in insider trading is not only unethical but also illegal, carrying severe penalties under securities laws.
  • The journalist's unethical manipulation of facts to sensationalize the story undermined the credibility of the entire news organization.
  • The use of sweatshop labor in the fashion industry has been widely criticized as unethical.
  • I think it's unethical for politicians to accept bribes.
  • Taking advantage of someone's trust is unethical.
  • I think it's unethical for companies to prioritize profit over people's well-being.
  • Cheating on a test is considered unethical behavior.
  • Forcing someone to do something against their will is highly unethical.
  • The decision to cut corners on safety measures was deemed unethical by the construction workers.
  • Buying counterfeit goods may seem like a bargain, but it's unethical and supports illegal activities.
  • The company's decision to exploit child labor in developing countries was deemed unethical by international human rights organizations.
  • Ethical guidelines in research require obtaining informed consent from participants to prevent unethical experimentation.
  • Is it unethical to take credit for someone else's work?
  • Some argue that it's unethical to eat meat because of the treatment of animals in factory farms.
  • The company's decision to dump waste into the river was deemed unethical by environmental activists.
  • It's unethical to discriminate against someone because of their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • It's unethical to spread false information on social media.
  • We were taught from a young age that stealing is unethical.
  • The unethical practices of the pharmaceutical industry, such as price gouging and suppressing competition, have sparked public outrage.
  • He thinks it's unethical to cheat on exams.
  • I think it's unethical to gossip about others behind their backs.
  • Is it considered unethical to keep the change if a cashier gives you too much?
  • They were criticized for their unethical treatment of employees.
  • They believe it's unethical to harm animals for entertainment.
  • Falsifying your qualifications on a job application is unethical and could lead to consequences.
  • They argued that it's unethical for companies to prioritize profit over the well-being of their employees.
  • Ethical dilemmas often arise in medical research, where researchers must navigate complex situations to ensure they do not engage in any unethical behavior.
  • As a medical professional, it is imperative to adhere to ethical guidelines and avoid any behavior that could be considered unethical.
  • It's unethical to ignore someone who is asking for help.
  • We concluded that it's unethical to turn a blind eye to injustices in our society.
  • Is it unethical to use someone else's Netflix account without their permission?
  • It's unethical to discriminate against people based on their race or gender.
  • It is unethical to steal from others.
  • The film explores the consequences of a scientist's unethical experiment on human subjects.
  • She feels guilty because she knows it's unethical to cheat on her partner.
  • We all agreed that lying to customers is unethical.
  • The company's decision to dump toxic waste into the river was not only unethical but also environmentally disastrous, resulting in widespread pollution.
  • Many people find it unethical to use plastic bags due to their harmful impact on the environment.
  • It's unethical to park in a handicap spot if you're not disabled.
  • Spreading rumors about others is unethical.
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