allocate in a sentence

Meaning: 1) assign or set apart for a particular purpose 2) distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose 3) set aside or earmark (funds) for a specific use 4) designate or specify (something) for a particular task or activity Similar words: allot, apportion, assign, delegate, designate, distribute, divide, earmark, portion, share,

  • The software architect's expertise lay in devising algorithms to dynamically allocate computing resources in real-time.
  • It's essential to allocate time for self-care amidst a busy schedule.
  • During travel, it's important to allocate time for unexpected delays.
  • They acknowledged the need to strategically allocate manpower to foster innovation and productivity.
  • The company needs to allocate resources efficiently to meet production goals.
  • They must allocate resources strategically to ensure project success.
  • They are discussing how to allocate responsibilities for the upcoming event.
  • She decided to allocate a portion of her income to charity each month.
  • Let's allocate some money for our family vacation.
  • They will allocate seats for the guests at the wedding.
  • She will allocate specific duties for each team member.
  • The teacher will allocate books to each student in the class.
  • They were excited to allocate a corner of their garden for a vegetable patch.
  • The government must allocate funds equitably across different regions.
  • He proposed a groundbreaking model for governments to optimally allocate funds in times of economic uncertainty.
  • Can you allocate a specific budget for this project?
  • I need to allocate my energy wisely to meet work and personal commitments.
  • We should allocate resources efficiently for the event.
  • We must allocate roles for the school play.
  • In urban planning, it's crucial to allocate space for parks and recreational areas.
  • I forgot to allocate a place for my keys before leaving.
  • The supervisor will allocate tasks for the team meeting.
  • In international trade, countries negotiate how to allocate quotas for specific goods.
  • As a manager, you must allocate tasks based on team members' strengths.
  • It's important that I allocate enough time for my studies.
  • As investors scrutinize market trends, they strategically allocate their portfolios to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Lisa and Jake decided to allocate weekends for exploring local markets.
  • It's important to allocate resources wisely in a small business.
  • She plans to allocate space for a new flower garden.
  • We have a responsibility to allocate attention and resources to issues that profoundly shape our collective future.
  • I need to allocate time for shopping this weekend.
  • It's important to allocate breaks during long study sessions.
  • The city council will allocate funds for public services.
  • The chef will allocate ingredients for the recipe.
  • Investors often seek companies that effectively allocate their capital.
  • The diplomatic negotiations required adept leaders to allocate time for delicate discussions on global issues.
  • We must collectively reevaluate how we allocate resources to address pressing environmental concerns.
  • We should allocate space in the fridge for the groceries.
  • Alex, a chef, learned to allocate ingredients for a perfect dish.
  • The manager will allocate tasks to each team member.
  • He needs to allocate funds for the upcoming project.
  • During the camping trip, they had to allocate tasks for setting up the tents.
  • He realized he forgot to allocate time for a lunch break today.
  • We're trying to allocate responsibilities evenly among team members.
  • The city council is working on a plan to allocate parking spaces downtown.
  • Please allocate time for your homework every day.
  • The professor advised students to allocate ample time for research in their study plans.
  • Can you help me allocate tasks for the school project?
  • During negotiations, diplomats try to allocate time for each agenda item.
  • I will allocate time for exercise in my daily routine.
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