amalgamation in a sentence

Meaning: 1) the action, process, or result of combining or uniting different things into one whole 2) the act of merging or blending disparate elements or entities together 3) the process of amalgamating distinct parts or components into a unified entity or structure 4) the outcome of fusing or integrating separate elements or entities into a cohesive whole Similar words: blending, coalescence, combination, consolidation, fusion, integration, merger, mixture, synthesis, unification,

  • The amalgamation of science and spirituality constitutes the quest for a holistic understanding of the universe.
  • Through an amalgamation of genres, the film indicated a departure from traditional storytelling conventions.
  • The merger between the two companies resulted in an amalgamation of resources and expertise.
  • The museum exhibition showcases an intriguing amalgamation of traditional and contemporary art.
  • The cake batter is an amalgamation of flour, eggs, and sugar.
  • I read the novel and was captivated by the author's masterful amalgamation of suspense and intrigue.
  • The movie is an engaging amalgamation of suspense, drama, and romance.
  • We witnessed the beautiful amalgamation of nature and architecture in the park.
  • The artist's work is celebrated for its amalgamation of various artistic influences.
  • He analyzed the data and presented his findings, highlighting the amalgamation of trends across different demographics.
  • The concert was a unique amalgamation of classical music and modern electronic sounds.
  • The traffic jam was caused by an amalgamation of cars merging onto the highway.
  • She enjoyed the concert, which was an amalgamation of different music genres.
  • The architect's design is a striking amalgamation of functionality and aesthetic appeal.
  • The party was a lively amalgamation of music, dancing, and laughter.
  • The fashion designer's collection is praised for its creative amalgamation of textures and patterns.
  • They conducted an extensive study on the genetic amalgamation of different species, shedding light on evolutionary processes and biodiversity conservation.
  • This necklace is made from an amalgamation of different gemstones.
  • My outfit today is an amalgamation of different styles.
  • I noticed the amalgamation of traditional and contemporary styles in the fashion show.
  • They worked collaboratively on the project, each contributing their expertise to achieve an effective amalgamation of ideas.
  • The city's cuisine reflects an amalgamation of different culinary traditions from around the world.
  • He attended the conference and participated in discussions about the future amalgamation of technology and education.
  • He described the painting as an amalgamation of colors and emotions.
  • She observed the painting closely, appreciating the artist's skillful amalgamation of colors and textures.
  • The neighborhood is known for its unique amalgamation of historic landmarks and modern developments.
  • She admired the fashion designer's collection, impressed by the seamless amalgamation of classic elegance and modern trends.
  • The soup is an amalgamation of vegetables and spices.
  • The company is an amalgamation of two smaller businesses.
  • I sampled the dish, savoring the amalgamation of flavors that burst in my mouth.
  • The cocktail is an amalgamation of vodka, orange juice, and grenadine.
  • Mixing red and blue paint creates an amalgamation of purple.
  • The music is an amalgamation of different genres.
  • The fashion designer's runway show stunned audiences with its bold amalgamation of avant-garde aesthetics and traditional craftsmanship techniques.
  • The novel is an exquisite amalgamation of historical accuracy and creative storytelling.
  • I can see the amalgamation of different cultures in this neighborhood.
  • The stir-fry dish is a delicious amalgamation of vegetables and tofu.
  • The novel is an amalgamation of historical events and fictional characters.
  • I can taste the amalgamation of flavors in this dish.
  • We visited the museum exhibit, marveling at the curator's thoughtful amalgamation of artworks from various time periods.
  • Amalgamation means mixing different things together.
  • The tech startup's success can be attributed to its strategic amalgamation of cutting-edge technology and user-centric design principles.
  • They explored the city's diverse neighborhoods, each offering its own unique amalgamation of culture and history.
  • The film director's latest masterpiece is hailed for its nuanced portrayal of characters and its seamless amalgamation of multiple narrative threads.
  • I delved into the complex amalgamation of themes and symbolism in the novel, unraveling its profound layers of meaning and interpretation.
  • They marveled at the amalgamation of art and technology in the museum exhibit.
  • The new restaurant offers an amalgamation of cuisines from around the world.
  • The soup is an amalgamation of vegetables and broth.
  • The movie is an amalgamation of action, comedy, and romance.
  • The new building design represents an interesting amalgamation of sustainability and modern architecture.
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