combination in a sentence

Meaning: 1) a grouping of items or elements in which order does not matter and all items are considered together 2) a series of numbers or letters used to open a lock or access a secure area 3) the act of joining or merging two or more things together to form a unified whole 4) a blend or mixture of different elements or ingredients 5) the arrangement or composition of different parts or components to create a unified entity Similar words: aggregate, alliance, blend, collaboration, composite, compound, fusion, mixture, synthesis, union,

  • Endurance training involves a combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training.
  • The fashion designer's meticulous process involved handpicking fabrics and materials to select the perfect combination for the couture collection.
  • To make a sandwich, use a combination of bread, meat, cheese, and vegetables.
  • Learning a new language requires a combination of dedication and practice.
  • We need to find a good combination of price and quality for our new sofa.
  • She chose her outfit carefully, aiming for a perfect combination of style and comfort.
  • We encountered an unexpected combination of cultures during our travels, enriching our understanding of diversity.
  • To solve the problem, we need to find a good combination of compromise and negotiation.
  • A combination of regular exercise and balanced diet is important for overall health.
  • In baking, a combination of flour, butter, and sugar forms the base for many recipes.
  • They were impressed by the clever combination of flavors in the new restaurant's menu.
  • In his research, he explored the intricate combination of factors influencing climate change.
  • The combination of sun and rain creates a rainbow.
  • To create a password, use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • The company's strategy involves a combination of innovation and market analysis.
  • Effective leadership often involves a delicate combination of authority and empathy.
  • The combination of economic factors led to a decrease in consumer spending.
  • She carefully selected a unique combination of accessories to complement her outfit.
  • He crafted a gourmet meal with an unexpected combination of ingredients, surprising his guests.
  • They celebrated their anniversary with a perfect combination of nostalgia and excitement.
  • She marveled at the beautiful combination of colors in the sunset.
  • We admired the stunning combination of architecture and nature in the city park.
  • She found the right combination of shampoo and conditioner for her hair.
  • The fashion designer is known for her bold combination of patterns and textures.
  • Their vacation itinerary included a perfect combination of relaxation and adventure.
  • They debated the best combination of colors for the living room walls.
  • For a healthy snack, try a combination of sliced apples and peanut butter.
  • The new smartphone boasts a winning combination of sleek design and advanced features.
  • Use a combination of soap and warm water to wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Mixing different fruits together creates a tasty combination for a smoothie.
  • I need to find the perfect combination of outfit for the party.
  • I prefer the combination of tea and honey when I'm feeling sick.
  • Finding the right combination of ingredients is key to a delicious recipe.
  • The restaurant offers a unique combination of flavors in their signature dishes.
  • He struggled to find the right combination of words to express his feelings.
  • To start the car, turn the key in combination with pressing the brake pedal.
  • The movie was a success because of its perfect combination of humor and drama.
  • The hotel offers a great combination of comfort, affordability, and location.
  • His unique combination of skills makes him valuable to the team.
  • To access the internet, type in the correct combination of username and password.
  • Her success in the industry can be attributed to a strategic combination of networking and talent.
  • Researchers are studying the combination of genetics and environment in disease development.
  • His outfit was a strange combination of colors and patterns.
  • The painting is admired for its masterful combination of colors and textures.
  • Their relationship ended due to a combination of misunderstandings and lack of communication.
  • The combination of my phone and laptop helps me stay connected.
  • A combination of sunlight and water is essential for plants to grow.
  • His success can be attributed to a combination of talent, hard work, and luck.
  • His success in business is a result of a winning combination of ambition and strategy.
  • A combination lock requires a specific sequence of numbers to open.
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