combined in a sentence

Meaning: 1) joined or united to form a whole 2) produced by the joining or union of different elements or parts 3) used in conjunction with another or others 4) taken as a whole; considered in total 5) cooperative or collective in nature 6) shared or undertaken by two or more entities Similar words: aggregate, allied, blended, coalesced, collaborated, collective, conjoined, consolidated, coordinated, fused, incorporated, integrated, joined, linked, merged, mutual, synthesized, unified,

  • It's important to stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure everything is combined.
  • He combined ingredients and synthesized a tasty soup.
  • They combined resources and successfully synthesized a community garden.
  • We combined our efforts to launch a community garden, fostering a sense of togetherness.
  • To enhance efficiency, the team combined traditional methods with modern technology.
  • I combined my interest in history with a passion for storytelling to write a historical novel.
  • The teacher combined the two classes for a special activity.
  • The artist combined different techniques to create a unique painting.
  • She combined her favorite ingredients to create a delicious recipe.
  • He combined his experience and knowledge to solve the problem.
  • I combined the ingredients for a quick and easy dinner.
  • Jane combined her passion for animals and writing, creating children's books about wildlife.
  • The team combined diverse talents to organize a successful charity event for the community.
  • We combined our strengths as a family to overcome the challenges that life threw our way.
  • She combined expertise in syntax and semantics to propose a groundbreaking theory in linguistic philosophy.
  • The researchers combined data from multiple sources to draw comprehensive conclusions.
  • Emily combined her baking skills with a dash of creativity, opening a small but charming bakery.
  • She combined her passion for photography with travel.
  • For a successful fitness routine, combined cardiovascular exercises with strength training for overall health.
  • He combined flour, eggs, and sugar to bake a cake.
  • They combined their knowledge of traditional medicine with modern research to develop a holistic wellness program.
  • I combined my hobbies to find a new way to relax.
  • In the kitchen, combined various herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of your dishes.
  • Inspired by her travels, Maria combined cultural influences to design unique handmade jewelry.
  • Effective problem-solving requires combined analytical thinking and creative brainstorming.
  • We combined our skills to complete the group project.
  • I combined the red and blue paints to get the color I wanted.
  • In urban planning, combined efforts from architects, engineers, and policymakers lead to sustainable cities.
  • They combined different flavors to make a tasty smoothie.
  • He combined theoretical models with observational data to unravel the mysteries of distant galaxies.
  • We combined our schedules to find a suitable time to meet.
  • She combined her fieldwork experiences with groundbreaking genetic research to redefine our understanding of biodiversity.
  • The architect combined traditional design with sustainable materials in the building.
  • I combined my jeans with a casual shirt for a simple look.
  • I combined resilience and strategic thinking to navigate the unpredictable landscape of the business world.
  • She combined her expertise in marketing with innovative strategies to promote the product.
  • He combined his passion for technology with a commitment to environmental sustainability in his startup.
  • The diplomat skillfully combined diplomatic finesse with assertiveness to navigate intricate international negotiations.
  • Through collaboration, the artists combined styles, producing a gallery exhibition that captivated audiences.
  • In team sports, success often comes from combined skills, teamwork, and strategic play.
  • They combined their resources to establish a scholarship fund, supporting aspiring students.
  • He combined his love for art and science in his career.
  • The chef combined exotic spices to create a unique and flavorful dish.
  • The novel combined elements of mystery and romance, keeping readers engaged.
  • The parents combined their efforts to organize a school event.
  • Steve combined his technical expertise with a love for storytelling, creating a popular podcast.
  • Sunlight and water combined to make the flowers bloom.
  • To create a dynamic presentation, combined visual aids with clear and concise verbal explanations.
  • The friends combined their interests to plan a fun weekend.
  • The scientist combined various compounds to form a new chemical substance.
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