synthesized in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to combine or arrange components or elements to form a whole or a new entity, often through a systematic or organized process 2) to create or produce by chemical or biological means, resulting in the formation of a compound or substance 3) to generate or compose, especially in the context of creating music, art, or literature 4) to artificially replicate or imitate a natural process or substance through scientific or technological methods Similar words: aggregated, amalgamated, assembled, blended, coalesced, combined, compiled, composed, consolidated, constructed, created, formed, formulated, fused, harmonized, incorporated, integrated, merged, mixed, produced, unified,

  • I synthesized information from a wide range of sources to develop a nuanced perspective on the topic.
  • We collectively analyzed the market trends and synthesized our insights into a cohesive recap for the executive team.
  • The pharmaceutical company synthesized a new compound to treat the disease.
  • She synthesized the aggregate findings of neuroscience research into a comprehensive paper.
  • I synthesized a novel compound in the lab that shows great promise for treating antibiotic-resistant infections.
  • I synthesized diverse historiographical perspectives to construct a comprehensive narrative of the global ramifications of the Great Depression.
  • I synthesized a comprehensive analysis, arguing that the central motif in the painting embodied socio-political commentary.
  • RNA, synthesized within the nucleus, plays a crucial role in protein production.
  • I conducted a thorough literature review, synthesized existing knowledge, and, for that reason, proposed a novel theoretical framework that advanced the field.
  • We synthesized a pioneering hypothesis in light of this cutting-edge scientific discovery.
  • For that reason, I synthesized the research findings into a comprehensive report, presenting nuanced insights.
  • Thus, driven by artistic innovation, he synthesized diverse influences, creating a masterpiece that transcended conventional boundaries.
  • Hence, in their collaborative research endeavor, the interdisciplinary team synthesized groundbreaking discoveries at the intersection of biology, technology, and medicine.
  • The team collaborated and synthesized a creative solution to the puzzle.
  • I adaptably synthesized different techniques to solve programming challenges.
  • I synthesized a summary of the main points for the presentation.
  • The team collaboratively synthesized solutions to address workplace challenges.
  • They successfully synthesized a solution to the engineering problem.
  • The artist skillfully synthesized various art movements in her gallery exhibition.
  • In the bustling kitchen, the chef deftly synthesized flavors for a signature dish.
  • In chemistry class, we learned how compounds are synthesized.
  • The chef synthesized different flavors to create a delicious dish.
  • I grabbed tools and synthesized a small birdhouse.
  • The artist synthesized various techniques to create a unique painting.
  • I synthesized a comprehensive report, presenting the total findings of the scientific study.
  • He meticulously synthesized data from experiments for his research paper.
  • They creatively synthesized diverse perspectives for a thought-provoking presentation.
  • The scientist synthesized a groundbreaking theory that challenged existing paradigms.
  • The company synthesized a report to present at the meeting.
  • She skillfully synthesized various elements to design an elegant website.
  • She harmoniously synthesized different viewpoints for a balanced discussion.
  • She took photos and synthesized a memory album.
  • He eagerly synthesized advice from mentors to excel in his new role.
  • She mixed and synthesized colors to paint a vibrant picture.
  • They collected ideas and synthesized a fun game to play.
  • She patiently synthesized feedback from clients to improve her services.
  • I read an article about how vitamins are synthesized in the body.
  • They synthesized their experiences to come up with a common solution.
  • Through careful research, the author synthesized diverse cultural influences in the novel.
  • I mixed flour and sugar, then synthesized cookie dough.
  • The novel synthesized historical events with fictional characters seamlessly.
  • We brainstormed ideas and skillfully synthesized a plan for the school event.
  • Can you explain how proteins are synthesized in cells?
  • We gathered materials and synthesized a homemade kite.
  • With passion and dedication, he synthesized melodies to compose a catchy song.
  • They synthesized information from various sources to make an informed decision.
  • By attending language classes regularly, they synthesized language skills effectively.
  • The team synthesized their ideas to come up with a cohesive plan.
  • They collaborated and synthesized a comprehensive report on market trends.
  • The ingredients are synthesized to create the final product.
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