comprehensive in a sentence
Meaning: 1) covering completely or broadly; inclusive 2) thoroughly understanding or including all elements or aspects 3) marked by extensive intellectual understanding or knowledge 4) having a wide scope or range; all-encompassing 5) intensive; thorough; exhaustive Similar words: across-the-board, all-encompassing, broad, complete, detailed, encyclopedic, exhaustive, extensive, full, global, holistic, inclusive, integrated, overall, systematic, thorough, total, wide-ranging, in-depth,
- They conducted a comprehensive study on the optimal width of sidewalks in urban areas to enhance pedestrian safety and comfort.
- She conducted a comprehensive review to determine the scope of the issue.
- In her research, she analyzed a broad range of data sources to draw comprehensive conclusions.
- Understanding the extent of climate change requires comprehensive research.
- Implementing comprehensive regulations requires collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and the public.
- He spearheaded the initiative to draft a comprehensive ordinance addressing urban sprawl.
- The enactment of comprehensive healthcare legislation requires meticulous consideration of diverse stakeholders' perspectives.
- She authored a comprehensive report outlining the historical context and legislative intent behind the statute, shedding light on its significance in modern jurisprudence.
- She gathers pertinent data from various sources to compile a comprehensive report.
- The historian spent years compiling a comprehensive timeline, documenting key events that shaped the nation's history.
- Compiling a comprehensive report on quantum computing requires a deep understanding of both theoretical physics and advanced mathematical concepts.
- Researchers sought to compile a comprehensive database of genetic markers to advance personalized medicine and precision healthcare.
- Assembling the data from various sources, the analyst created a comprehensive report.
- Compiling a comprehensive business plan is vital for entrepreneurs.
- I am compiling a comprehensive report on renewable energy sources.
- The strategic planner had to select the key markets for expansion based on thorough market research and comprehensive analysis.
- I judiciously delegate data analysis tasks to the research team for comprehensive insights.
- The urban planner proposed a comprehensive strategy for allocating spaces that cater to both aesthetics and functionality.
- When developing a comprehensive financial strategy, it's imperative to meticulously assign investment portfolios based on risk tolerance and market trends.
- The journalist tried to piece together the fragments of information to create a comprehensive story.
- In their collaborative efforts, the researchers attempted to reconcile the fragmented data, striving for a comprehensive understanding.
- I mplemented a comprehensive communication strategy to navigate the complexities of stakeholder engagement, avoiding pitfalls that could disunite the collaborative effort.
- He must be able to summarize his experiences during the internship in a comprehensive manner.
- During the conference, experts from various fields were tasked with the challenging assignment to summarize their extensive research in a brief yet comprehensive presentation.
- We collaborated to synthesize and meticulously summarize the voluminous research findings, ensuring a comprehensive overview.
- The government announced a comprehensive review of its environmental policies in response to public concerns.
- He presented a comprehensive recap of the financial quarter during the shareholders' meeting.
- We had to synopsize the groundbreaking discoveries into a concise yet comprehensive scientific paper.
- Before we delve into the details, let's conduct a comprehensive recap of the market trends over the past quarter.
- I meticulously reviewed the research data and crafted a comprehensive recap for the academic conference.
- In his comprehensive analysis, he managed to synopsize the economic trends, shedding light on potential market shifts.
- The composite index provides a comprehensive overview of the stock market performance.
- She synthesized the aggregate findings of neuroscience research into a comprehensive paper.
- The project team worked on the amalgamation of data from different sources to create a comprehensive report.
- Implementing controlled reproduction requires a comprehensive understanding of genetics.
- Business intelligence platforms integrate various data sources to facilitate comprehensive data analytics.
- The economist presented a comprehensive analysis of the statistical data during the conference.
- They conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of the statistical data, synthesizing findings from multiple studies to inform evidence-based policy recommendations.
- Integrating quantitative analysis with qualitative research methods allows for a more comprehensive understanding of consumer preferences and behaviors in market research studies.
- I synthesized diverse historiographical perspectives to construct a comprehensive narrative of the global ramifications of the Great Depression.
- She leveraged her expertise in marketing to develop a comprehensive branding strategy for the company.
- The think tank proposed a comprehensive strategy to counter the evolving nature of militant threats.
- Discussions on chauvinistic attitudes should encompass intersectionality for a comprehensive understanding.
- The intersectionality of chauvinism underscores the need for comprehensive solutions.
- Societal attitudes toward illiterateness can perpetuate cycles of discrimination, emphasizing the need for comprehensive educational reforms.
- Uneducatedness is a multifaceted problem that demands comprehensive solutions.
- A comprehensive strategy is needed to dismantle the barriers contributing to the persistence of uneducatedness globally.
- He propounded a comprehensive framework to dismantle institutional uneducatedness.
- A comprehensive approach is essential to address the multifaceted issue of illiteracy in diverse communities.
- A comprehensive study delves into the central core's structural integrity.
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