conventionalist in a sentence

Meaning: 1) one who adheres to or advocates for established customs, traditions, or practices, especially in social or cultural contexts 2) a person who conforms to conventional norms and standards, often resisting or avoiding unconventional or nontraditional ideas 3) someone who supports or promotes conventionalism, emphasizing conformity to established rules or norms, particularly in art, literature, or philosophy 4) an individual who holds or follows conventional beliefs, attitudes, or values, often in opposition to innovation or change Similar words: classicist, conformist, conservative, establishmentarian, formalist, Orthodox, ritualist, traditionalist,

  • Isabel, a renowned conventionalist in the field of linguistics, advocated for preserving traditional language structures.
  • Mark, an aspiring chef and a conventionalist, blended classic flavors with a modern twist in his dishes.
  • Ivan, an advanced conventionalist, dissected cultural norms in his scholarly articles.
  • I never thought she would be such a conventionalist in her approach to life.
  • In a small town, there lived a conventionalist named Tom, who cherished routine in his daily life.
  • She, a proud conventionalist, organized her books by color on the shelf.
  • My grandma is a bit of a conventionalist when it comes to cooking; she always follows the family recipes.
  • My roommate is a conventionalist when it comes to organizing the kitchen – everything has its place.
  • Being a conventionalist, he follows societal expectations.
  • The team captain is a conventionalist, preferring proven strategies.
  • The debate between the innovator and the conventionalist sparked interesting discussions.
  • It's funny how I am a conventionalist, yet my sister is quite the opposite.
  • Dave is a bit of a conventionalist in fashion, always choosing classic styles over trends.
  • Jenny, the town's quirky conventionalist, insisted on handwritten letters instead of emails.
  • It turned out that the new guy, John, was a surprising conventionalist at heart.
  • She, being a conventionalist, finds comfort in established norms.
  • John is a conventionalist; he likes things the usual way.
  • Driven by his identity as a film conventionalist, Ethan curated retrospectives featuring classic cinematic masterpieces.
  • He considers himself a moderate conventionalist, embracing change when necessary.
  • Many philosophers argue about the relevance of conventionalist ethics in modern society.
  • Lisa, a photography enthusiast and a mild conventionalist, loved capturing timeless moments in a rapidly changing world.
  • Sophie, a nuanced conventionalist, intricately wove cultural references into her avant-garde artwork.
  • One day, they discovered their friend Jake was a secret conventionalist, too.
  • The political theorist, recognized as a key conventionalist voice, critiqued emerging ideologies with intellectual rigor.
  • My sister is a bit of a conventionalist when it comes to fashion; she prefers classic styles.
  • He a seasoned conventionalist, curated an art exhibition challenging established paradigms.
  • The project's success challenged the conventionalist belief that only traditional methods work.
  • Jack is a bit of a conventionalist; he never wants to shake things up.
  • A conventionalist often resists change.
  • Tom, a friendly conventionalist, loved hosting game nights every Friday.
  • The conventionalist sticks to established norms.
  • Maria, a young conventionalist, never missed her evening walk at 7 PM.
  • As an intermediate conventionalist, Alex struggled to adapt when his office embraced remote work.
  • Olivia's penchant for existential literature revealed her as a seasoned conventionalist with a penchant for the profound.
  • Jane, though open-minded, found it challenging to connect with her more conventionalist relatives.
  • I never thought of myself as a conventionalist until I realized how much I love routine.
  • While he respects tradition, he is not a strict conventionalist in his lifestyle.
  • I'm a bit of a conventionalist when it comes to my daily routine.
  • Emily, a disciplined conventionalist, meticulously adhered to the principles of classical ballet in her choreography.
  • As an intermediate conventionalist, I like mixing modern technology with old-school methods.
  • The debate between the innovator and the conventionalist led to a lively discussion.
  • Sometimes being a conventionalist makes life simpler, you know?
  • We, a group of friends, learned that Sarah was a closet conventionalist.
  • He, a quiet conventionalist, preferred writing with a classic black pen.
  • The artist challenged the conventionalist views with her avant-garde paintings.
  • The conventionalist believes in customary practices.
  • Mary is not a conventionalist; she enjoys trying new things.
  • Emma, a true conventionalist, liked her eggs the same way every morning.
  • The boss is a bit of a conventionalist; he always sticks to the same meeting schedule.
  • The little bakery in town was owned by a sweet conventionalist, Mrs. Johnson, who followed old recipes.
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