traditionalist in a sentence

Meaning: 1) one who adheres to or upholds the customs, beliefs, or practices that have been established and passed down through generations, especially in the context of cultural, religious, or societal traditions 2) an individual who values and maintains traditional methods, styles, or approaches, often resisting or opposing modern or innovative changes 3) a person who is conservative in political or social views, favoring the preservation of established institutions and resisting radical reforms or transformations Similar words: classicist, conformist, conservative, conventionalist, old-fashioned, Orthodox, preservationist, purist, reactionary, stickler for tradition,

  • Impressed by the traditionalist architecture, the tourists explored the ancient city, marveling at its timeless beauty.
  • Emily adeptly maneuvered through negotiations, drawing on a nuanced understanding of traditionalist political ideologies.
  • He spearheaded initiatives that seamlessly merged cutting-edge innovations with the profound wisdom of traditionalist engineering principles.
  • The old bookstore, a haven for traditionalist readers, faced challenges as e-books gained popularity among the younger generation.
  • Our neighbor is a traditionalist; he still enjoys reading newspapers instead of online news.
  • In the culinary world, the chef's traditionalist approach showcased a deep respect for time-honored recipes and techniques.
  • The author's novels often reflect a clash between modern ideas and the protagonist's traditionalist beliefs.
  • A traditionalist is someone who values and follows established customs and practices.
  • As a traditionalist, Sarah planted flowers in her garden following her mother's advice.
  • In the quaint village, a group of traditionalist artisans diligently practiced ancient craftsmanship.
  • They skillfully negotiated deals, considering both innovative approaches and the traditionalist expectations of their international partners.
  • The historical preservationist was a dedicated traditionalist, working tirelessly to safeguard the cultural heritage of the town.
  • In many cultures, being a traditionalist is a way of preserving cultural heritage.
  • We found common ground in discussions bridging the gap between progressive ideologies and traditionalist viewpoints.
  • Traditionalist philosophies often highlight the importance of preserving societal norms as a means of maintaining order and stability.
  • He conceived innovative cityscapes that harmoniously blended futuristic designs with the preservation of traditionalist architectural landmarks, creating vibrant metropolises of the future.
  • As a traditionalist at heart, she found solace in the familiar rituals of daily life, resisting the allure of contemporary conveniences.
  • Emma, being a traditionalist, always wore her grandmother's antique locket.
  • She engaged in intellectual debates that delved into the intersections of existentialism and traditionalist schools of thought, challenging the very fabric of human consciousness.
  • My friend is a traditionalist when it comes to celebrating birthdays with homemade cakes.
  • Jake, a true traditionalist, loved to start his day with a steaming cup of black coffee.
  • The term "traditionalist" can be applied to various aspects of life, from clothing to daily habits.
  • During the debate, the politician presented himself as a pragmatic traditionalist, advocating for proven policies.
  • As a traditionalist, she loves using a physical calendar instead of a digital one.
  • I unraveled the complexities of language evolution, exploring the symbiotic relationship between contemporary lexicons and traditionalist linguistic roots.
  • Despite the changing trends, she remained a staunch traditionalist, adhering to age-old customs and values.
  • The professor, a self-proclaimed traditionalist, favored teaching methods rooted in classical education principles.
  • In the heart of the bustling city, they formed a tight-knit traditionalist club, dedicated to preserving forgotten customs.
  • Being a traditionalist, he prefers classic movies over modern blockbusters.
  • A curious teenager named Alex discovered a hidden library filled with traditionalist literature, opening a portal to the past.
  • The traditionalist believes in preserving cultural heritage.
  • Being a traditionalist doesn't necessarily mean resisting all change but cherishing proven traditions.
  • As an intermediate level student, he approached language learning with a traditionalist mindset, emphasizing grammar and vocabulary.
  • The traditionalist perspective in music involves a preference for classical compositions and instruments over modern genres.
  • Traditionalist societies may place a strong emphasis on familial ties, with family bonds being central to individual identity.
  • Being a traditionalist, she enjoys hand-written letters over emails.
  • In the vibrant marketplace, vendors passionately shared their traditionalist crafts, weaving a tapestry of cultural heritage.
  • Despite societal shifts, the traditionalist community continued to observe age-old ceremonies with enthusiasm.
  • He is a traditionalist who values old customs and beliefs.
  • The university's history department attracted students passionate about studying under renowned traditionalist scholars.
  • The debate between the modernist and traditionalist art movements sparked discussions in the art world.
  • While many embraced technological advancements, the small village remained a bastion of traditionalist practices.
  • Mr. Johnson, a traditionalist, enjoyed telling bedtime stories to his grandchildren.
  • Sarah's decision to restore her grandmother's vintage dress sparked a friendship with the town's traditionalist seamstress, Mrs. Thompson.
  • Ignoring the latest trends, she proudly adorned her living room with antique furniture, showcasing her commitment to being a traditionalist.
  • Traditionalist architects may draw inspiration from historical architectural styles, incorporating timeless elements into contemporary designs.
  • The traditionalist in our group always insists on taking printed photos instead of digital ones.
  • In some cultures, being a traditionalist is highly respected.
  • As a traditionalist, he insists on following traditional recipes in the kitchen.
  • Despite the allure of modern technology, they maintained a traditionalist approach to farming, relying on age-old techniques.
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