empowering in a sentence

Meaning: 1) giving power, authority, or influence to; authorize 2) enabling or permitting; granting the ability or right to do something 3) providing strength, confidence, or inspiration; imbuing with a sense of self-empowerment 4) investing with the capacity to take action or make decisions autonomously 5) promoting a sense of control, autonomy, and self-determination in individuals or groups 6) enhancing capabilities, skills, or resources to foster personal or collective development 7) fostering a sense of independence, resilience, and self-reliance Similar words: authorizing, emboldening, enabling, encouraging, fostering, inspiring, liberating, motivating, permission, promoting, strengthening, uplifting, validating,

  • Through introspection and self-discovery, she unearthed the profound strength that lay dormant within her psyche, empowering her to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.
  • As the CEO, her leadership style involved empowering employees by allowing them to delegate tasks based on their strengths and competencies.
  • She emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals to make informed choices within the framework of population control policies.
  • Empowering women in leadership positions is a tangible way to combat workplace chauvinism.
  • Empowering marginalized voices is instrumental in the collective fight against chauvinism.
  • She volunteered for an organization dedicated to empowering women and dismantling chauvinism.
  • He believes that tackling illiteracy is key to empowering communities and fostering equality.
  • Empowering grassroots movements requires a deep understanding of the socio-political landscape.
  • The teacher believes in creating an empowering environment for students.
  • Choosing a healthy lifestyle is empowering for your well-being.
  • Building strong relationships with friends is empowering.
  • Collaboratively, we developed a framework that emphasizes the importance of empowering autonomy within project teams.
  • The supportive community made her feel more empowering.
  • I attended a conference where speakers shared empowering stories of resilience and success.
  • Maria's journey to learn a new language was both challenging and empowering.
  • The company implemented a training program aimed at empowering employees with new skills.
  • Positive affirmations can make you feel more empowering.
  • I conducted research that revealed the transformative potential of technology in empowering educational outcomes.
  • I engaged in discourse, emphasizing the empowering effects of cultural exchange on societal cohesion.
  • The symposium delved into the nuanced strategies of empowering marginalized communities.
  • After facing setbacks, Jake discovered that perseverance is truly empowering.
  • We decided to collaborate on a project, finding that teamwork can be incredibly empowering.
  • We initiated a mentorship program, dedicated to empowering emerging talents and propelling them towards success.
  • He skillfully crafted policies aimed at empowering underrepresented groups, fostering inclusivity within the organization.
  • He pioneered an innovative curriculum, focused on empowering students with critical thinking skills.
  • Setting boundaries is important for an empowering life.
  • He mentored a group of students, empowering them to pursue their goals with confidence.
  • They initiated a recycling program in their neighborhood, demonstrating the empowering impact of environmental action.
  • She finds the motivational speaker's words very empowering.
  • Exploring different cultures can provide an empowering perspective on diversity.
  • The team's collaborative effort on the project was empowering for everyone involved.
  • Starting a new hobby can be really empowering.
  • I find listening to uplifting music very empowering.
  • They executed a comprehensive training program, systematically empowering employees with a diverse skill set.
  • Taking time for self-care is an empowering act.
  • She pursued a course in public speaking, realizing how empowering effective communication can be.
  • They know that working together as a team is empowering.
  • Jenny's volunteer work with children was both fulfilling and empowering.
  • Setting small goals and achieving them is empowering.
  • Embracing change can be challenging but is often an empowering experience.
  • The workshop focused on strategies for empowering individuals in leadership roles.
  • Encouraging others to express their opinions can be empowering.
  • Effective leadership involves empowering team members to take initiative.
  • She adeptly navigated the intricacies of diplomatic negotiations, showcasing a mastery of empowering discourse.
  • We volunteered at a local shelter, and the shared sense of purpose was truly empowering.
  • Taking a break and enjoying nature can be empowering.
  • I think learning to cook is an empowering skill.
  • She established an advocacy group, tirelessly working towards legislative changes that would be truly empowering for marginalized communities.
  • Social entrepreneurship aims to create positive change by empowering communities.
  • Reading inspirational stories can be empowering for children.
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