enabling in a sentence

Meaning: 1) giving someone the authority or means to do something 2) making something possible or easier 3) providing the necessary tools or resources for a task 4) contributing to the effectiveness or success of a process or outcome 5) supporting or facilitating a particular action or function Similar words: bolstering, cultivating, empowering, encouraging, enhancing, facilitating, fortifying, fostering, nurturing, promoting, stimulating, strengthening, supporting, sustaining,

  • She launched a startup dedicated to harnessing biotechnology to accelerate the germination process, enabling seeds to sprout faster and more resiliently.
  • We implemented innovative solutions to societal challenges, enabling progress to flourish in our community.
  • Analyzing intricate financial reports demands an acute awareness to extract the central point, enabling informed decision-making in investment strategies.
  • Leveraging quantum computing capabilities is enabling unprecedented advancements in computational speed.
  • Utilizing energy-efficient appliances is enabling reduced electricity consumption.
  • Properly storing perishable foods in the refrigerator is enabling longer shelf life.
  • He knows that asking for help is enabling personal development.
  • The implementation of inclusive policies is enabling equal opportunities for all citizens.
  • Taking notes in class is enabling students to remember important information.
  • Regularly updating antivirus software is enabling a more secure computer system.
  • When traveling, checking the local weather forecast is enabling better trip planning.
  • Technological innovations are enabling breakthroughs in medical treatments.
  • Locking the door is enabling us to secure our home.
  • Planting seeds in the garden is enabling the growth of beautiful flowers.
  • Scientific research is enabling us to better understand complex phenomena in the natural world.
  • Incorporating diverse sources in academic writing is enabling a well-rounded perspective.
  • Implementing a progressive organizational structure is enabling the company to adapt to rapidly changing markets.
  • We find that teamwork is enabling us to achieve our goals.
  • Wearing a seatbelt is enabling passengers to stay safe in the car.
  • Cultural exchange programs are enabling people to appreciate diverse perspectives.
  • Cross-cultural understanding is enabling smoother international relations.
  • They understand that using public transportation is enabling a greener environment.
  • Brushing your teeth is enabling good oral hygiene.
  • They realize that good communication is enabling effective collaboration.
  • Lisa, a book lover, joined a book club, enabling her to discuss stories and make new friends.
  • The internet is enabling the global dissemination of information at an unprecedented rate.
  • Sarah joined a language class, enabling her to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • The integration of blockchain technology is enabling transparent and secure financial transactions.
  • She believes that learning new skills is enabling personal growth.
  • Emily planted seeds in her backyard, enabling her to witness the magic of nature as flowers bloomed.
  • She considers that using a calendar is enabling better time management.
  • Researching customer reviews before making a purchase is enabling informed buying decisions.
  • The wheelchair ramp is enabling people with disabilities to access the building easily.
  • Advances in technology are enabling more efficient and streamlined communication methods.
  • The mysterious key found by Alex unlocked a hidden door, enabling a thrilling adventure to unfold.
  • Learning new words is enabling the children to improve their language skills.
  • Proper time management is enabling her to complete tasks on schedule.
  • We acknowledge that saving money is enabling financial stability.
  • Regular exercise is enabling him to stay fit and active.
  • Reading books is enabling students to expand their knowledge.
  • Max found an old book at the library, enabling him to travel through time in his imagination.
  • Cooking with a recipe is enabling me to make delicious meals.
  • Jake, an aspiring musician, learned to play the guitar, enabling him to express himself through music.
  • Charging your phone regularly is enabling you to stay connected.
  • Using a map app on your phone is enabling you to find places easily.
  • I believe that practicing gratitude is enabling a positive mindset.
  • Making a to-do list is enabling better organization of tasks.
  • Navigating the intricacies of geopolitical issues is enabling diplomats to foster international cooperation.
  • It is enabling them to explore new opportunities for success.
  • Engaging in interdisciplinary research is enabling scientists to address complex global challenges.
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